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The NWO is now using GWEN Towers and ELF Waves to CONTROL THE GLOBAL POPULATION

Friday, June 6, 2014 10:22
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(Before It's News)

(This is a prophetic message from The Most High True God.  It is an intervention in human history from the Creator of the Universe, who sits Enthroned in the Highest Heavens.)


This is an important message from The Lord God of Hosts:  Many people’s desires are NOT their own.  And how can this be?  But through the use of ELF technology.  The Government, has, the capability, of transmitting, “EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCIES”, to peoples’ minds, in order, to transmit “specific electronic messages” to their brains – at a level, that can NOT be detected, by ‘the conscious mind’; but only subconsciously.  People are being targeted all over the world, through the use of GWEN Towers


- through these “cellphone towers”, that are popping-up everywhere, across the Globe.  People think they are only being used, for the purpose, of ‘providing cellular streaming’, or ‘cellphone connection’; but DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY NEED “CELLPHONE TOWERS”?  Or CAN THE CELLPHONE NOT FULLY OPERATE, THROUGH THE USE OF THE SATELLITES AROUND THE WORLD?  No!  These towers, with the large speakers on them, are transmitting these “frequencies” so as to control the population, of people; and it has been VERY EFFECTIVE.  It is, “MODERN DAY WARFARE”


Alex Jones is being “targeted” as well, as some of his reporters, so as to discredit them, before their viewers.  The Governments ONLY have power over people, who are in “the beast state” – who have decided to live on autopilot.  They only, have power over “weak minded individuals” – who have decided to stop thinking, and who only react, in order to respond to situations – but without any discernment process whatsoever.  [Note, more than 98% of the world population, is now in “the beast state” – more than 98% have now received “the spiritual mark of the beast”, the mark, that has left them in that state.]


The Governments also have the capability, of producing, influencing, and writing peoples’ dreams; because that is how they keep them in “a false reality”.  The Governments have ‘power over people’ – who refuse to believe the Truth, when they come across it.  The Governments have been informed, about the Two Witnesses – the Two Witnesses of the Most High True God.  And the Governments have been told, how to respond to “the leaks”, of their secret plans, that have been happening through them.  The Two Witnesses are well protected.


But what people don’t realize – and the Governments want to make sure of that, is that THE TWO WITNESSES [- the ones who are relaying this True Prophetic Message from Heaven] really ARE HERE – sent, to bring down, ‘the antichrists of this wicked generation’.  And the Governments – as evil as they are, recognize ‘the spiritual battle’, that is going on – the only difference is, is that the Governments are fighting for the wrong team!  Just like in any War, there are two sides; the Governments know, that as long as people are kept in “a fog”, about The Two Witnesses, or, reject their prophetic messages from Heaven, then they’ve got those people.  Because truly, THE TWO WITNESSES – as extensions of My True Family, are THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN BREAK THROUGH the darkened intellects, of peoples’ minds, and shine ‘a flashlight’ there – who is in fact the True Holy Spirit.  Because My Spirit, is working WITH, IN, and THROUGH The Two Witnesses; along with the rest of the Faithful Remnant, who are so few in number at this time.


The Governments have declared War on the Two Witnesses.  The Two Witnesses were “a nuisance” before – even, “an inconvenience”.  But now from the Governments’ point of view, The Two Witnesses are “a real problem”.  [Note, the GWEN tower mind control program has cost billions of dollars to secretly set up, under the appearance of innocent cell phone towers, and it is now being fully exposed by the Two Witnesses who reside in Canada – their precise location is fully known by the Government, every time they use their phone or wifi computer.]


The people can expect more frequent attacks on their minds.  But know that the Most High True God, is combating the ELF Technology, by constantly feeding the Two Witnesses ‘Truth from Heaven’, that is in turn, available to the population at large.


The reason people need the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, is to be fed Truth – that is totally, contrary to all propaganda messages, that they are receiving.  The Governments, through the use of ELF Waves, will target individuals, and use them as their puppets, to be actively against the Two Witnesses, and will try to discredit.  But The Most High True God upholds His own; He upholds His True Family; and He upholds the rest of the Remnant. 


[Note, this prophetic message has been edited, in such a way that it is now speaking to the World Population.  In its original wording, it was directed to the Two Witnesses personally.  The Two Witnesses petitioned the Most High True God to reveal to the Nations, the Truth about ELF waves, and this is in fact, the condensed response.  It has been edited with permission.  People who have received the spiritual mark of the beast, can have it removed in a matter of minutes, and for free, by simply following the instructions at this following link, ]


One final note to the One World Government, from the God who has numbered each of their breaths, “I DON’T SLEEP… AND YOU, ARE ABOUT TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH, I DON’T SLEEP!”.  How foolish the Governments are, because God is outside of space and time; He is awake 24/7, and they – pitiable creatures that they are, are very limited.  They can have their wicked toys, for a time; but their time, is running out. 


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