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The Shemitah & Luke 21:28. USA’s 70 years of global dominance as of 7 Sept 2015. Noah’s 1 week warning.

Saturday, August 29, 2015 21:01
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(Before It's News)

Luke 21:28 King James Version (KJV)

28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads;

for your redemption draweth nigh.


Luke 21:28 or 777 7777 Seven 7’s. This years Shemitah is the 7th in the cycle

or 49 year and next year is the Jubilee.

Market crash 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994, 2001, 2008, 2015



2015 is also 70 years since the end of WW2, signed on the deck of the battleship

Missouri 2 Sept 1945 at 09:08 Tokyo time or 20:08 NYC time on 1 Sept 1945.

MacArthur entered Tokyo as the conqueror 8 Sept 1945,

speech at 11:00am (7 Sept 10:00pm Wash DC time). For 70’s years the US has

been the leader of the world as of 7 Sept 1945. 7 Sept 2015 + 7 days =

Rosh Hashanna. This Sept 11th is also the 14th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.



As for Israel, 2018 is its 70 year mark and look what the elite have planned for 2018:

Economist Magazine (Rothschild owned) from 1988

The Medallion on the neck of the Phoenix says 2018 3300 ft tall

(33 signature) and completion date of 2018

1948 re-founding of Israel 2018 completion of one world plan by illuminists 70 years



Brother bobs vision of the sun rising and markets falling… the economic collapse

starts in Japan (The place where America rose to the leader of the world on VJ day).

“Now I don‘t know exactly where that is out in the Pacific, but that was the perspective.

It was being seen not from ground level, but slightly above the horizon, so that it could

be seen coming up over the horizon. Does that make any sense? [Yeah sorta, you were

up in the air… ]And as the sun began to cross over the Pacific and reached the Japanese

Isles there was this stunned shock, horror, of the Japanese investors and the Japanese people

– which the stock market was plummeting… [That‟s the Neiki.] OK.. [Was that our stock

market or theirs?] Theirs! And staying ahead of the sun, so that it could be seen coming

up over the horizon, the Lord began to show across the globe it reached the Chinese

mainland, went into Hong Kong, came across the Asian markets, and it was like a domino effect..

The Chinese looked on in stunned horror.‘ This cannot be happening!‘ “




Noah and his family went into the ark on week prior to the flood. Will believers be given a

one week warning? As it was in the days of Noah?

GEN 7:4-7 (GEN 7:7? Sept 11th 2015 is the 14th anniversary)
For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights;

and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him. And Noah was

six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth. And Noah went in,

and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters

of the flood.

(Will it be the elite going into their ark [D.U.M.B.] as they attempt to play GOD and awash the world in a flood of worthless paper & digital dollars instead of water  ?)


If Brother Bobs vision comes true on Sept 11th 2015 (vision of the global financial system collapsing), 40 days & nights of RAIN (CHAOS – STORM – DISORDER) then look at the date the elite have picked out for the launch of the new global currency 20 OCT 2015.

On October 20th 2015 the International Monetary Fund will announce a new world currency.”

The collapse starts in Japan.  If the collapse starts in Japan on 11 Sept 2015 then it will be 10 Sept in New York. 10 Sept 2015 + 40 days = 20 Oct 2015

INCREDIBLE INTERVIEW   Pastor Terry Bennett on Trunews 18 Sept 2014    at the 24:30 mark (interview on the topic begins at the 20 min mark) 2015 the economic power of the USA would be neutralized & our military power greater reduced. 34:58 The elite will attempt to gain control through chaos.  The elite will be unable to control the chaos. 36:42 Rick hearing from the Holy Spirit during the broadcast “You have one year to prepare!” The broadcast date was 18 Sept 2014, one 360 day biblical year brings us to 13 Sept 2015… The SHEMITAH!

Cristine “Magic 7′s” Lagarde, Director of the IMF,   occult numerology


The time has come, My people, for what is wrong to be made right. My plan of justice will now play out for each nation and its inhabitants…”


 “In one day I shall bring down their financial system.”

The elite are attempting to play GOD and bring in their well planned economic collapse with their NWO to follow.  The collapse will be initiated by them but it will spiral out of their control as Pastor Terry Bennett stated.

Lastly Prophetess Mena Lee Grebin interview on 7 May 2015 on Trunews at the 37 min mark to about 42 min mark the LORD told her “Death to the finances!” & stated that the black horse of Revelations 6 rides across the months of Sept, Oct, Nov & December 2015.

Judgement is at the door.  Say the Lords prayer. Beg Jesus to be Lord and savior of your life and you forgive all those that have ever wronged you for if you do not forgive others their sins against you then the LORD will not forgive your sins.

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