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Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) Networking (Oct, 28, 2015)

Thursday, October 29, 2015 20:54
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Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) Networking

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Notes from Ken Adachi, Editor

October 28, 2015

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) Networking (Oct, 28, 2015)

I just found out today about the existence of FFCHS in a brief email exchange with Eleanor White. If you are a victim of electronic harassment, torture, and/or gang stalking, you want to network with other people who are in the same boat in order to discover the best ideas for shielding and deterrence. Someday, successful criminal prosecution and civil suits may be brought against those who cooperate and engage in this despicable torment against innocent human beings (who are often completely baffled as to why they were set up for targeting in the first place). Covert electronic harassment is the most hideous expression of torture humanly possible in which your every waking moment is a continuous stream of torment and aggravation.

Here is an informative interview that Eleanor White conducted with Sueann Campbell in 2012 in which Sueann clearly explains the typical elements involved with psychotronic harassment and gang stalking theatrics.

Eleanor White Discusses Organized Stalking and Technological Harassment With Victim Sueann Campbell

I believe that increased exposure of this heinous crime to an expanding segment of public awareness will gradually tend to curb its proliferation, at least by gang stalkers. Those who engage in street theater and public harassment tactics will likely be the first group to suffer lawsuits and hopefully, in time, be prosecuted criminally – which they richly deserve. When that happens, gang stalking harassment will disappear practically overnight. The larger problem is shutting down the civilian psychopaths and insiders who have access to the psychotronic harassment equipment and are manipulating gang stalkers, and then go after the military, DOD, DHS, etc., psychos who developed these diabolical vectors of inhuman depravity (supposedly for use against a foreign enemy, but instead used as a torture tool against unwitting American citizens).

The FFCHS links and descriptions seen further below include access to audio files of prior conference calls where valuable insights can be gleaned on how to mitigate, and even eliminate psychotronic harassment altogether. I’ve excerpted a one hour audio segment from a much longer conference call from Oct 26, 2015 where “Kyle” from Louisiana (who uses the name ‘Vulcan Wolverine’ on Youtube) explains how he was able to break the link completely and stop all interference and communication with the perpetrators. This is really fascinating information and TI ‘s should pay close attention to his remarks and listen to the videos that Kyle recommends from Rich West (embedded further below. Rich West is incredibly interesting to listen to and well worth your time).

One hour excerpt from October 26, 2015 conference call which included “Kyle”

Entire October 26 conference call available from this link:

Oct 26 2015 (4 hours, 45 mins) Episode 2310

All archived conference calls available at this link:

FFCHS Conference Call Schedule:

FFCHS Conference Call News

(Rich West) How To Undo What the Archons Did & Regain Your Power –

[Rich recommends learning more about "Archons" from Cameron Day's web site, ("Freeing the mind from limitations to bcome a higher frequency human being") which looks interesting]

>Published on Jun 4, 2015
Go to and enroll in the upcoming course in how to find and revoke the agreements you have made that are the building blocks and foundation of your reality. These agreements made by you, are creating your reality, limiting you and defining you and even defining how you feel and react and think in this life.

Taking this course will change your life – from the inside out. It really will.

What the Archons did WE can Undo and regain our power. All you need to do is learn what they did and how they did it. And put simply what hey did is get you to agree to things. What things exactly, is what Soul Contract Revocation Boot Camp is all about; that and how to how to call the forth specific agreements and revoke them, in a way that renders them invalid, null and void.

You are going to love this course. Reserve your spot now.

For more info about boot camp, live stream, upcoming videos and weekly updates come to my Facebook page

More videos from Rich West here:]

(Oct. 16 video from Kyle, “Vulcan Wolverine”)
T I, Urgent Information on Remote Neural Monitoring

DHS and the “Citizen Corps”′


“V2K” = Voice to Skull transmissions (victims hear the voices of perps in their head)

(This man has a lot of guts and heart. Imagine how you would feel if you were in his shoes. He deserves a lot of credit and support for his fortitude and courage)


Episode #1060 – Targeted In America – The Dark Side of Surveillance


Shielding for Targeted Individuals

For your convenience, this page is organized into the following sections:

– Shielding from the Microwave Audio Effect or Voice to Skull (V2K)

– Shielding from Remote Electronic Assaults

– Shielding from Acoustic Attacks

– Shielding from Lasers

Shielding oneself from the electronic attacks is vital for many in our community. What we have found though, is that what works for one person may not for someone else. And sometimes methods only work for a while until the perpetrators find a way to override it. However, some have occasionally found methods that do work for sustained periods of time.

Some general guidelines are as follows:

a) leather helps against the microwave attacks – leather jackets, coats, shoes, etc.

b) rubber products help with the electricution sensations: rubber gloves, swimcaps, boots, shoes, etc.

c) mirrors help against laser attacks.

The following is what some have found to work for them that they now share with the community.
More information coming soon!


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