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Stories: | JFK Speech Harry Potter escape scene
This scene from Harry Potter, “The Deathly hallows, part 1″. The intrepid three break into the wizard bank to retreve a piece of the ‘dark lords’ soul. In order to escape they ride out on a white dragon kept prisoner in the vaults of Gringots (The wizard Bank) which is run by goblins.
US President John F. Kennedy is known to have called the Swiss Bankers the “Gnomes of Zurich”
The bank Bank for International Settlements is based in Basel Switzerland and is the Central Bank of Central banks… One bank to rule them all.
Symbolism: The Gnomes of Zurich (the BIS) has kept the Chinese elite (The White Dragon society) prisoner and in chains in its dungeons below. The Gnomes of Zurich are losing control of the Chinese White dragon which is now bursting forth out of the BIS system and coming into its own.
Additional Symbolism: The three riding the Beast, Harry Potter, Hermine Granger & Ronald Weasley or Osiris, Isis & Horus ( Lucifer, Lilith, Abbadon / AntiChrist). They will ride the beast that destroys the western system.
Just today the Chinese global payments system has been launched (CHIPS). The dollar and Euro are dying and the East is rising.
There is no place to hide from this exceept in the arms of the LORD. John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth & the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”