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I have been following James Bailey of for some time now. Many of his articles talk of the financial collapse in great detail. The one seemingly ready to be fulfilled is “The Event before the event”. The two other key articles are linked within that story, they are quick and a must read. We are days if not hours from DRAMATIC and PERMANENT change; In our financial system, political system, culture and cherished beliefs… nothing will soon resemble what we knew. Reading this article and the other two linked article (all of 10 pages total) are key to your survival.
Below is the Senate link and the voting on the weapons authorization that includes $300 million USD for a foreign country (most likely Ukraine). Obama increases this to 1.2 billion and then signs it. This is the beginning domino.
Below is Lindsey Williams (LW) post on inside information. According to LW, the IMF will introduce a new World Currency on 20 Oct 2015. In-order to do this the elite are going to need to get us sheeple to WANT what they are rolling out for us. How else to get us to want a new currency than to cause chaos with the old ones.
I would make use of some of my money in the inverse ETF James has talked about but I would also buy and hold in my own possession, physical silver (not in a bank safety deposit box or depository). Long term storable food (don’t forget the multi vitamins & extra Vit C) & water (water filters too)… firearms.
For those that don’t have much money; Food (Dried beans- dried rice – Multi-vitamins [chew them when you take them... the cheap ones pass right through]), Katadyn water filter & a Ruger 10-22 with a couple value boxes of .22lr High velocity (a .22lr is NOTHING to be laughed at).
MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Make Jesus Christ LORD and savior of your life.
This isn’t melodrama; judgment is a the door! Judgment for the world yes, but America is going to take the brunt of this storm. Babylon the great is soon to fall, soon to fall.
I don’t think it’s just hours or days away, but I do expect financial collapse before chaos and dictatorship.
Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate
I respectfully disagree Dave. I do think we are hours from the first domino & dollar chaos. Regardless of how this shakes out though, we, as the body of Christ know the season we are in. Something wicked this way comes! The truly sad part is we deserve every bit of it.
The domino’s are starting to fall. This is not just a European problem because ALL the banks are interconnected due to Derivatives. The USD dollar will be devalued very soon.
UPDATE: It’s sitting on the Prince of Tyre’s desk.
UPDATE: Now it’s going to the president.