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Freedom of speech is not highly regarded on college campuses these days. It can’t hold a candle to obsequious dhimmitude at a place like Rutgers:
The April 5, 2016 issue of The Gleaner, the student paper of Rutgers University–Camden, published a cartoon of Muhammad, Buddha and Jesus in a bar. Its content, however, cannot be known at this point, because at the behest of Muslims on campus, and in a case fraught with implications for the health of the freedom of speech today, the entire issue has been deep-sixed.
Two weeks after the cartoon was published, the April 19 issue of The Gleaner contained a letter from the Muslim Brotherhood campus group, the Muslim Students Association, saying that it found the image offensive and asking The Gleaner to remove the image from the April 5 issue and circulate a new edition of that issue without it.
The Islamic crybullies demanded that our fundamental, constitutionally protected right to express ourselves be sacrificed on the altar of “diversity.” As usual, authorities scrambled to comply.
Who knows what the MSA will decide to be offended by next? Implicit in Islamic crybullying is the threat of violence; Europeans have been murdered over innocuous Mohammad cartoons.
Meanwhile, also at Rutgers, this was recently displayed as “art”:
Eventually it was removed, although not explicitly for its finger-in-the-eye obnoxiousness, which obviously goes far beyond depicting Mohammad in violation of Islamic law:
The piece, which shows a figure of a crucified Jesus stabbed with four darts, was part of an exhibit in the Art Library on Voorhees Mall in the heart of the New Brunswick campus.
Following a barrage of blowback,
[Last] Thursday, campus officials removed the art piece from a prominent spot hanging on a wall near the circulation desk, library officials said. Instead, the piece was moved to the other side of the room and placed on its side on the lower shelf of a glass exhibit case with other art pieces.
By Thursday afternoon, a library spokeswoman said the piece was taken out of the exhibit entirely.
“The artwork in question was removed from the exhibit because it did not meet Rutgers University Libraries policy, which requires art exhibitions and their pieces to be based on university events, curricular offerings and topics of interest to the university community,” said Jessica Pellien, director of communications at Rutgers University Libraries.
Consider the likelihood of a Mohammad dartboard being displayed in a university library. Of course, there are differences: (1) the liberals in charge of most everything revere Islamists and loathe Christians, and (2) Christians don’t typically respond to offenses by murdering people.
On tips from J, Eddie_Valiant, Sean C, and Stormfax. Hat tips: Campus Reform, the Blaze, Truth Revolt.