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By Doug Ross @ Journal (Reporter)
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FreedomWorks: Time for the GOP to Stop Grandstanding and Follow Through With Their Campaign Promises

Friday, March 24, 2017 18:09
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I think FreedomWorks has this absolutely right. The House GOP was happy to pass dozens of faux Obamacare repeal bills when they knew President Obama was poised to veto anything that hit his desk.

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These weaklings, led by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, got elected by promising the American people they would eviscerate Obamacare “root and branch”.

It’s time these sellouts grew some spines and actually did something historic: follow through on their campaign promises.


FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon released the following statement on the second delay of the American Health Care Act:

“The talk about Plan A being the only plan is wrong. This is Plan B, and it left too much of ObamaCare’s core structure in place. Plan A is the 2015 reconciliation bill repealing ObamaCare, and Speaker Paul Ryan said it was the ‘clear path’ to repeal ObamaCare under a Republican president.

“Instead of trying to twist the arms of principled conservatives, Paul Ryan should pressure moderates who were just grandstanding last time. We urge him to bring up that bill again and add Medicaid reform, HSA expansion, and pursue repeal or sunset of ObamaCare regulations that are driving up the cost of health insurance. We urge our activists to give him a call and suggest he keep his word.

As an aside, I want to commend Jim Jordan and the House Freedom Caucus for standing strong.

This bill was a hot mess — and it would leave Republicans bearing responsibility for every idiotic page of Obamacare and this new bill.

It deserved to die a quick and painful death.

Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.


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