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Hillary Knew About The Trump Wiretap – Tweeted About it One Week Prior to Election

Monday, March 6, 2017 14:26
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(Before It's News)

TGP reported earlier that the first FISA request came right after AG Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in June of 2016.

Of course Lynch and Clinton said they chatted about grand children and as Nancy Pelosi noted, the meeting was purely “serendipitous”. And if you believe that…

The second FISA request was submitted in October of 2016 just before the election. Hillary Clinton sent out a tweet on October 31st stating that ‘computer scientists have uncovered a covert server linking the Trump organization to a Russian-based server’.

Hillary Clinton’s tweet from October 31st… Computer scientists?…

Connect the dots, folks. This was a well coordinated attack on a Presidential candidate. AG Lynch met with Bill Clinton just before the first FISA request.

After they were successful with the second FISA request in October, it appears Bill Clinton passed on the information to his wife to help her win the election. This scandal is about to blow wide open; it’s not going away any time soon. Stay tuned…


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