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By Moonbattery (Reporter)
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From the Enlightened Culture That Introduced Us to Necklacing

Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:25
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Whatever you do, don’t get into a car accident in fundamentally transformed South Africa:

[A] couple’s car was struck by a speeding minibus taxi on Impala Road, Krugersdorp, in the early hours of Saturday, Dorljota spokesperson Danile Maedi said.

“A group of men then loaded the couple into the car, pretending to take them to hospital. They stopped at an open veld and then raped the woman in front of her man.”

Their assailants threw stones at them and set them alight.

Both died, although not immediately.

Here’s a surprise: arrests were made.

For all the badmouthing civilization gets from progressives, a lot of people will miss it when it is gone.

Necklacing was a favorite tactic of Nelson Mandela’s ANC.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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