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Judge Napolitano on Rice-gate: Unmasking Americans For Reasons Other Than National Security ‘That’s Called Espionage’

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 1:59
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Via Billy

Image result for Judge Napolitano on Rice-gate: Unmasking Americans For Reasons Other Than National Security ‘That’s Called Espionage’

Judge Napolitano weighed in on Rice-gate, giving us his expert opinion on the subject of unmasking private citizens for reasons other than national security, “That’s called espionage”. 

Judge Napolitano: “She (Susan Rice) is entitled to this. As the President’s National Security Advisor, she has the highest level of national security clearance.

Can she reveal the identity of an American for a purpose other than national security?

Absolutely not. Can she ask for more Americans involved an then unmask them and say to her boss, ‘by the way, guess what Trump and Manafort were talking about last night?’

You know what that’s called? That’s called espionage. That’s called the failure to safeguard top secret information.”

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit


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