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Ludicrosity From The Washington Pos

Monday, April 10, 2017 7:34
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(Before It's News)

They didn’t launch the attack but now they can say it would have been bigger and better than what Trump actually did. Years later anyone can say anything.

Obama supporters, including the Washington Pos, are grasping at straws. Next thing you know we will hear that Obama got fourteen holes in one when golfing.

“Obama’s Syria strike plan was much bigger than Trump’s”

The Trump administration’s strike on one of Bashar al-Assad’s air bases was similar in style and objectives to the strike plan that President Barack Obama prepared in 2013 — except that Obama’s attacks were to be several times bigger than President Trump’s. At the time, leading Republicans mocked the Obama administration for what it called “pinprick” strikes, calling them ineffective. Today they praise Trump’s smaller strikes as perfectly calculated.

“What we had in mind in 2013 had many more targets and was much more expansive,” a senior Obama administration official involved in those discussions told me.”

From the Washington Pos


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