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Marine LePen Slams French Establishment on Islamic Street Prayers

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 4:02
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Via Billy

French presidential candidate, Marine LePen, has weighed-in on the controversial Islamic street prayers taking place in the Paris suburb of Clichy, criticizing her main rivals and their previous administrations’ ‘’laxity’’ for not tackling ‘’communitarianism’’ and the conditions under which such gatherings are taking place.

Whilst stating her respect for all religions and faiths, LePen made it clear that under her leadership the French Republic’s rules on secularism would be rigorously enforced, as she called the daily gatherings just outside of Paris more political and ideological than religious.

‘’There is no reason whatsoever justifying that we tolerate these proselytizing expressions in the public place’’, she declared – referring to the scenes at Clichy where Islamic prayers are said in contravention of French law – affirming that the street is a public space and that the by-products of such demonstrations would include radicalization.


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