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San Francisco Transit Considers Banning Free Speech After AFDI Submits Our Latest Bus Campaign: Here’s the Ad

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:50
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San Francisco, the leftwing mecca of radical liberalism ,is moving towards shutting down free speech on transit after we submitted our latest ad campaign (above) to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority to run on buses across the city. This action is emblematic of the left – silence your opponents like all totalitarians do. Here is where the euphemistically  named “free speech movement” has taken us – oppression and tyranny. This is an outrageous violation of our first amendment rights. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced. Inoffensive speech needs no protection. The First Amendment was developed precisely in order to protect speech that was offensive to some, in order to prevent those who had power from claiming they were offended by speech opposing them and silencing the powerless.

The ad merely calls for support of Trump’s immigration ban and runs the names of refugees into the US who have been convicted of Islamic terror and we intend to run it in sanctuary cities across America. where free speech has not yet been banned. Sadly this is an ever an increasingly small number – New York, Washington DC, Boston, Miami, Chicago have all banned ‘political’ and ’cause related’ advertising.

The controversial ads are a project of the American Freedom Defense Initiative. Its president, Pamela Geller, reportedly told Breitbart News in 2016 that San Francisco is among the last major cities to not ban political speech.

That sort of Ban, Geller told Breitbart, is “a ban on the truth, in accordance with Sharia. They say it’s hate speech but that’s the euphemistic narrative. It’s like putting a pretty white bow on a steaming pile of dung.”

Muni to consider banning political advertising on buses

San Francsico Examiner, April 4, 2017:

An advertising campaign by the American Freedom Defense Initiative is seen on the side of a Muni bus August 14, 2012/
By Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez on April 3, 2017:
Ads on the sides of Muni buses supporting Israel and calling unnamed enemies “savage” while also claiming hatred of Jews is “in the Quran” drew rebuke citywide for years.

Now San Francisco may ban such political speech on Muni bus advertisements and other transit property when the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors votes on a policy revision Tuesday.

The vote would specifically amend the SFMTA’s advertising policy to prohibit advertisements that “concern a political or public issue,” contain profanity or violent descriptions, or are “adverse to the interests of the SFMTA,” according to a staff report.

The staff report added it is considering revising its own ad policy “in response to other large U.S. transit agencies deciding to restrict the type of content permitted in their advertising space.”

If approved, the ban would take effect Wednesday.

The controversial ads are a project of the American Freedom Defense Initiative. Its president, Pamela Geller, reportedly told Breitbart News in 2016 that San Francisco is among the last major cities to not ban political speech.

That sort of Ban, Geller told Breitbart, is “a ban on the truth, in accordance with Sharia. They say it’s hate speech but that’s the euphemistic narrative. It’s like putting a pretty white bow on a steaming pile of dung.”

Since last year, the SFMTA met with a number of groups concerning the ad policy, including the Asian Law Caucus, the local branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the San Francisco Interfaith Council.

“The Advertising Policy was revised in response to feedback and comments from these groups,” the SFMTA wrote.

In 2015 a group called “Street Cred – Advertising for the People” announced an anti-ad campaign to splash Marvel Comics prominent Muslim superhero, Kamala Khan, also known as Ms. Marvel, on top of the controversial ads.

Alongside Ms. Marvel read messages including, “STAMP OUT RACISM,” “FREE SPEECH ISN’T A LICENSE TO SPREAD HATE,” and “Islamophobia hurts us all.”


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