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Trump’s Palm Beach Trips Are “Yuge” Expense To Taxpayers

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 6:18
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(Before It's News)

The one thing Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama love to do often, is golf.

Obama was criticized for taking too many golfing trips and family vacations during his two terms in office, but now all of those vacations the former president took are being shadowed by President Donald Trump’s loafing around on the links.

According to documents attained by Judicial Watch, Obama’s outings cost taxpayers some $97 million throughout his presidency.

Enter President Donald J. Trump.

In his first 80 days in office, President Trump’s trips to Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, have cost Americans an estimated $20 million.

According to CNN, if Trump keeps up this personal travel pace, he will put all of Obama’s eight years of costly vacations to shame.

To date, Trump has spent six weekends — and a total of 21 days — at Mar-A-Lago, his private Palm Beach club. The total estimated costs for those trips are around $21.6 million.

Obama, by contrast, spent just under $97 million on travel in his eight years as president,

Wait, Trump’s trips to Palm Beach haven’t all been fun-and-games. Didn’t he just meet with the President of China?

I wonder if these working vacations are being acknowledged. Put it this way, its like me not going into the office to work, rather working remotely from the comforts the couch that sits in my living room.

The post Trump’s Palm Beach Trips Are “Yuge” Expense To Taxpayers appeared first on Shark Tank.


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