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At Least 10 Injured as Huge Fire Engulfs Dunkirk Refugee Camp After Knife Fight Between Kurdish and Afghan Muslim Migrants

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:17
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(Before It's News)

The Muslim migrants do not for a moment act like “grateful refugees.” They behave in the refugee camps as they will when they’re on the streets of France and Britain and other European countries. That’s why crime, especially rape, has skyrocketed. And it’s only going to get worse.

The camp “was built by pro-mass migration, Soros-funded NGO Doctors Without Borders.”

It is Soros who is bringing this chaos and misery upon the West.

“At least 10 are injured as huge fire engulfs Dunkirk refugee camp leaving ‘nothing but a heap of ashes’ after knife fight between Kurdish and Afghan migrants,” by Rod Ardehali, Mailonline, April 11, 2017:

A huge fire tore through at least half of the Grande-Synthe migrant camp outside the northern French city of Dunkirk injuring at least ten.

Witnesses said the fire broke out following a row between Kurdish and Afghan migrants which left six with knife wounds.

The camp was shelter to some 1,500 people by the end of March living in closely-packed wooden huts, hundreds of whom may now be homeless.

Local officials said the blaze had affected around 20 of the huts, each of which typically accommodates four people.

A massive plume of smoke rose from the camp into the night sky and was visible from several kilometres away.

‘There is nothing left but a heap of ashes,’ Michel Lalande, prefect of France’s Nord region, told reporters at the scene as firefighters continued to battle the flames.

‘It will be impossible to put the huts back where they were before.’

Lalande said the blaze had been started after a fight on Monday afternoon between Afghans and Kurds at the camp.

French officials had said in mid-March that security forces were planning to start dismantling the camp following clashes at the site.

The population of the Grande-Synthe camp has swelled since the destruction last October of the squalid ‘Jungle’ camp near Calais, about 23 miles away.

Grande-Synthe was billed as the first camp opened with ‘humanitarian standards’ in March 2016.

It was meant to be a world away from the squalid mess of the former Jungle camp situated 23 miles away in Calais.

It was set up in a joint venture between the charity Doctors without Borders and the local Dunkirk authority at a cost of £2m….

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