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By American Everyman (Reporter)
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I’m Heading Off to the Hospital in a Little Bit

Monday, March 6, 2017 7:03
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(Before It's News)

by Scott Creighton

Hi everyone. I’m going to have to go back to the ER today. I’ve been having some pain in my left leg, about where my popliteal vein is. That’s one of the ones that suffers from post thrombotic syndrome. The problem started Saturday and has gotten to the point where I can’t sleep. I am hoping to be back later today so I can write about the soft power coup being run against the Trump administration by the complicit media but right now I can’t really think straight.

I’m hoping I wont be admitted. If so, I will get someone to post you guys an update in the comment section.

As much as I dislike Trump and what he stands for, what’s happening to him at the hands of the Deep State is sickening. Watching the fake left and the complicit media fall in line and regurgitate what they are feed by the like of the CIA and others (just like they did with the lies about 1. WMDs in Iraq 2. Putin during the elections a couple years ago 3. Gaddafi 4. Assad 5. Erdogan 6. Aahmadinejad) is almost demoralizing when you know their trade craft and the tools they use to delegitimize unfriendly governments in preparation for regime change.

There is nothing I would rather be doing than writing about all the breathless hyperbole being spouted by the likes of Morning Joe and CNN right now, but I have to get ready in case I am admitted for a stay at the house of “medicine”

If they do lock me down for a day or so, I’ll miss you little “conspiracy theorists”. Even the trolls.

Have a good one. Hope to see you in a couple hours.


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