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The Poet: James Broughton, “Having Come This Far”

Friday, March 17, 2017 1:17
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“Having Come This Far”

“I’ve been through what my through was to be,
I did what I could and couldn’t.
I was never sure how I would get there.
I nourished an ardor for thresholds,
for stepping stones and for ladders,
I discovered detour and ditch.
I swam in the high tides of greed,
I built sandcastles to house my dreams.
I survived the sunburns of love.

No longer do I hunt for targets.
I’ve climbed all the summits I need to,
and I’ve eaten my share of lotus.
Now I give praise and thanks
for what could not be avoided,
and for every foolhardy choice.
I cherish my wounds and their cures,
and the sweet enervations of bliss.
My book is an open life.

I wave goodbye to the absolutes,
and send my regards to infinity.
I’d rather be blithe than correct.
Until something transcendent turns up,
I splash in my poetry puddle,
and try to keep God amused.”

- James Broughton


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