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By Democurmudgeon (Reporter)
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Trump White House can't or won't read…

Saturday, March 18, 2017 8:09
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(Before It's News)

Nancy Pelosi continues to get razzed for not reading the ACA: “We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It.”
And yet, reading anything is not something Republicans were ever interested in doing themselves. In spades:

The White House's newsletter, 1600 Daily, sends out details about President Trump's schedule, updates about policies and special guests, At the very end of the newsletter, 1600 Daily linked to a Washington Post article called “Trump's budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why.” The only problem? It was satire, written by humor columnist Alexandra Petri.


If you actually took the time to read the column, you would know instantly it was a joke. Here's a brief excerpt:

“This budget will make America a lean, mean fighting machine with bulging, rippling muscles and not an ounce of fat. America has been weak and soft for too long. BUT HOW WILL I SURVIVE ON THIS BUDGET? you may be wondering. I AM A HUMAN CHILD, NOT A COSTLY FIGHTER JET. You may not survive, but that is because you are SOFT and WEAK, something this budget is designed to eliminate.”

And one more for good measure:

“All schoolchildren will be taught by an F-35 wearing a Make America Great Again hat. They will also have new school choice options including the choice not to afford any school at all, because at school you are taught things like grammar and pronouns and spelling and history, and these are all potentially inimical to the future we are trying to build. We will also be cutting Meals on Wheels programs to feed children, because they are not improving performance as we would like. Feed children just to feed them? What are we, SOFT? No. No we are not.”

The article is still linked on the White House's website, and so far there has been no comment about the mixup.

A former liberal radio talk host who likes to ask the “follow-up question” at


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