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Do You Know Witches True Origins (Video)

Monday, March 27, 2017 13:23
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(Before It's News)





From Think About It

Do You Know Witches Origins

Do You Know Witches Origins and where it all really started? Discover the real origin and how it will escalate in the last days.

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  • The mixture of animal and human may not be accurate, since God determined that creatures would produce after their own kind. But a fallen angel and human connection makes more sense in explaining the existence of hybrids. The book of Enoch suggests that the angels of old came down and had relations not just with human women, but also with other life forms. Hence each example of hybridization shows animal traits with a dominant angelic body. This would also provide explanation as to the existence of creatures that we are being introduced to presently called “alien life forms” which all possess similar animal/angelic traits (insect like aliens, big foot etc.) Hence the alien phenomena is the return of this mixture as was once prophesied regarding the end of the age.

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