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Warning: It’s Happening Here Too!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 14:27
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Un-vetted, often diseased, “refugees” snuck in by  UN & US government

With all the – long foretold events now unfolding throughout Europe and other countries, the surreptitious smuggling in of largely un-vetted, often undocumented (and often mainly male) “refugees” is going on here largely unnoticed through a UN refugee resettlement program.

A viewing of this video presents information and describes the process whereby they are also given social security numbers, passports, welfare, etc.

Perhaps resistance to president Trump’s attempts to stop illegal immigration by utterly naïve people will lessen and give way to rational self-interest.

The further problem of course is that while many people of different cultures, races and religions have absolutely no ill intent towards their new countries of residence, we can see how what Sfath and Billy Meier have warned of, in terms of extremist violence against foreign people, can be triggered by what amounts to a forced insertion of “refugees” into the population.

We see what the deliberately destructive policies of Merkel have unleashed on Europe, Sweden, etc. It should be clear that the USA is moving towards civil war(s)…as a result of the obviously deliberately self-destructive policies by the government itself, which are intended to subvert the legitimate rights of the citizens…and then to enslave them*

*From 1958:

40.) And it will be that even before the time of the Third Millennium, and indeed in 1993, a political and commercial European dictator will arise that will be called the “European Union” and, in evil, will carry the number 666, as through this the citizens of all member countries will finally be brought under total control through biometric data in identification devices and in the form of small data chips in the head or body inserted in a “biometric identification system” that would be overseen and controlled through a “central data bank” whereby finally the whereabouts of every human can be exactly determined to the meter. First the USA and later the European Union will introduce this modern human enslavement, thereafter, then other countries will also follow, all preceding the Swiss, whereby, through this process, the personal and national citizens’ human rights will be drastically trimmed, which fundamentally will be originally already planned at the construction of the European Union, whereby the citizen is finally deemed fully incapable of managing his own affairs, and should be governed only by the authorities, without having a right to a say regarding certain government things and decisions.

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