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TSA Can Now Force You to Go Through the Body-Scanner (Video)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 15:09
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(N.Morgan) On your next trip, your flight might include a mandatory trip through the body scanner, since the US government is quietly changing the opt-out rules for searches. In a document published earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security outlined an update to the Advanced Imagery Technology protocols used by the TSA at US airports, by adding a clause which allows officers to force travelers to go through the controversial machines.

Before these changes, even though the body scanners were present at many airports across the country, travelers were free to choose to opt-out of the process. Billed as a privacy consideration, it meant a physical screening was mandatory, but alleviated concerns held by some that the technology could “see them naked” and store photographs of that.

Now the option is being diluted, though not completely suspended. 

TSA Can Now Force You To Go Through The Body-Scanner

According to DHS, “TSA is updating the AIT PIA to reflect a change to the operating protocol regarding the ability of individuals to opt opt-out of AIT screening in favor of physical screening,”. While passengers may generally decline AIT screening in favor of physical screening, TSA may direct mandatory AIT screening for some passengers.”

There has been no more detailed explanation for the change. It seems likely that the scanners’ ability to single out metallic objects hidden around the body – that might have been missed by a physical search from a TSA agent – is seen as invaluable for any passenger the security services believe presents a greater-than-normal risk.

The DHS document also points out that the scanners do not store or transmit any of the graphics captured while travelers are using them; instead, such images are only shown on the nearby display until TSA agents can physically check the specific area.

DHS states: Meanwhile, the scanners which did indeed show nudity have been retired and the newer system “replaces the individual’s image with that of a generic figure”.

All the same, it’s likely that the change in policy could cause a few headaches at airports should travelers want to opt-out but then be informed the only way they can get to their gate is to submit to body scanning.


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Julia Angwin


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Total 9 comments
  • Not if you do not fly or go anywhere near an airport, they can’t!

    If people stopped flying in protest for just 1 week then this would stop, because the airlines and airports would go bankrupt and they would be begging for your return….but this will not happen will it, because people just have to fly as their lives will end instantly if they don’t! :roll:

    We have the power but do not use it!


  • Okay,one more example of dictatorship at work…even if you give us a hundred and ten more,you will not change anything.Nowadays,with internet,telephone,tv and street surveillance,they’re always three steps ahead.Alas.

    • We might have to do this but Governmment is not smart enough to be even two steps ahead of the average citizen and certainly not the one who means harm. They should do profiling and we shouldnt have to go through any process the muslims dont. The only professional who gets up and close to me are my dentist and physician and they have licenses. The clown squad here is not professional and they dont have licenses and they would quit if we started holding the line up.

  • Bet fat and ugly comes in handy here!

    • please don’t belittle your wife! your tiny pecker made her eat since you couldn’t satisfy her.

  • How horrible, the long term medical effects of those machines has not yet been properly researched!

    Now excuse me while I eat my Doritos, smoke a cigarette, drink a coke, and hold my six inch cell phone a foot away from my face while reading BIN in the sun shine while connected to WiFi and eating a GMO tomato.

  • Just take loads of bentonite clay and dont forget Iodine!

    • You look like you have something up our butt…. and you are enjoying it.

      I can Kyle Style you right, and make you smile even more, Retard Boy! Fo——–>Sheezy

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