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Larry Pratt: Obama Is Coming for the Guns and All Hell Will Break Loose

Friday, January 1, 2016 14:04
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The Common Sense Show daytime personalities of Dave Hodges and James White interviewed Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America.

History speaks very clearly. When a people give up their guns, crime rates (homicides) escalate and the practice of gun confiscation usually results in genocide as it did 17 times in the 20th century.

It is people like Larry Pratt that are working to keep Americans free from government tyranny. He and Gun Owners of America are worthy of your support.

Larry Pratt appears on the show at the 30 minute mark.


Listen to Dave and Jim interview Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt, by clicking here. 

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!


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Total 8 comments
  • To those who adamantly express your desire for a completely disarmed human race, I say RELAX. It’s only a matter of time till you get your way. After the sufficient number of real and staged “mass shooting” events, the citizens, in a state of fear and exhaustion, will give up their rights (and means) for self-defense. The vast majority of humanity will then be successfully disarmed, leaving the exclusive use of force in the hands of the military, the “enforcers” and the criminal element. Those of us who chose to obey “the law” will then be at the complete mercy of these armed groups. Those groups will then be able to do whatever they wish to the helpless population. And they will. Those deemed useless, rebellious, unattractive, defective, or some sort of “threat” to those in power will then be eliminated. Don’t worry, no one will say: “I told you so” to the “gun control,” advocates. Because most of you will be gone, along with all those now deemed subversive/unnecessary. I’m not saying that, considering the militarization of the police (Backed by the military), that an armed population would have much chance against them in open rebellion, but with a disarmed population, ANY rebellion or protest is no longer an option. Consider very carefully if you choose to give a complete monopoly on the use of force to those who orchestrated 9/11, put the poison Fluoride in your families drinking water and commit endless crimes against humanity and our world. Throughout history, multitudes of disarmed peoples have been led to their deaths by criminal governments. So…to all you supporters of the human disarmament movement, REST EASY! You will be victorious! Those behind the movement are very, very clever. Smarter than you, smarter than me. And when they lead you and yours to death or eternal slavery, be sure to tell your families how well your intentions were.

    • Ammon Bundy – The Hammonds = Nevada and Oregon :lol:

      Arm and Hammer Baking Soda – Communism/Socialism/Nazism/what ever

      This Day in Jewish History 1990: Armand Hammer, Who Was Named for the Symbol of Socialism, Dies :lol:

      read more:

      How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!…This is the work of the Lord God of hosts…
      — Jeremiah 50:23, 25

  • Praise God and pass the ammunition!….the enemy is the hidden state which controls the visible state which controls nothing …. bit of a tongue twister for yer

  • oBAMA will never get the gun because we are not stupid and we are on to him, hillary and what they have been hiding for hundreds of years. They are done!!!

  • The only way to deal with armed tyranny is Guerrilla operations. Ambush, Attack, and Re-attack!!!

  • Why don’t you mention the negro is not even a legal sitting US president? So all the negroe’s actions are NULL & VOID automatically.

    Only a legal sitting US president has any official precedence. The negro is just mouthing off and you can ignore him.

    IF everybody did this the negro will go away in a few months. Back to golfing, maybe. It’s not “get your country back”, you always had it if you ignore the Negro and Congress when they ignore YOUR Constitution.

  • Lets see an example of gun confiscation, & I don’t mean machine-guns. Reagan’s assault weapons ban only affected imports, no one had to give up their Kalashnikovs.
    When the 2nd amendment was written, guns were pretty much single load, single shot.

    Kinda hard to commit a mass-shooting with a freaking musket.

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