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The New Killer Robots to Be Unleashed During Martial Law to Eliminate High Value Targets

Sunday, December 25, 2016 21:04
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The next generation of Killer Robots is indeed frightening. They are programmed to eliminate high value targets that are leaders in the resistance to the NWO.

The details are in the video.


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Total 5 comments
  • Sounds like crazy talk but where living in crazy times so I don’t ignore it and to be honest I’m more likely to believe it with a twist back to Terminator death bots, now it would be far easier to chip the demons and the Terminators have a free pass to murder all unchipped deplorables or how about using Terminators in a fake Alien invasion.
    yep def crazy talk and that probably makes me more concerned :)

  • Wow, you are keeping me at work on Christmass holiday.

    Start a fire. Heat and smoke will blind the damn thing. Take it out with a .50 caliber Barret or a “Moose” rifle. :lol:

    • Phd

      Any form of liquid petroleum in a glass bottle with a lighted corked cloth will disable this bot…
      standard air rifles in .117 and .55 with good scope can disable bots eyesight……
      Always create a heat source distraction hotter than yourself……

  • A donut stuffed in its exhaust will soon stop it

    • Phd

      atomant ~ The Donut l dunno ~ i like the smell of NAPLAM in the morning ~ clears the sinuses….

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