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By Lisa Haven
Ever get the feeling ‘Big Brother’ is constantly monitoring everything you do, like you are living in George Orwell’s “1984″? Truth is, everything we say, do and write online is secretly being recorded in the governments “Book of Secrets”, and profiles are being created for every American citizen detailing what “political” category you fall under and how much of a threat you are. At one point, the U.S. police departments were contemplating creating profiles of people based off their Facebook pages, a sort of color coded system that detects if you will be a problem or not. Talk about being found “guilty” before even causing a crime, this is exactly what these systems are designed to do.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough. I’m sick of having everything I do profiled. Well, now there is a way you can become somewhat “invisible online” to the Orwellian style regime, check out this report….
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Even i have trouble going inviable after using VPN’s and proxy servers plus a firewall wifi router to block outboud traffic from windows and googles android crap because browsers expose far too much inforamation to javascript and even have hidden client Id’s because they all get a bung back from Google with Firefox being the worse.
I even hack the .exe files to make things a bit safer and run my own DNS server and end up using my own browser i made that crashes once an hour if it realy want to be safe but it’s a lot of effort and none experts are not in with much of a chance of going inviable and all you can do is slow things down.
The best form of defence is attack so i run a web-bot that hits anything upto a million sites a week so let the NSA filter that lot to decide whats bot traffic and whats real when they try to build a profile up on me.
Yes and this site has google spyware all over it and shows as a sea of red when i look at whats been blocked
Hello Angle#1,
Charlie here. Many problems here. THE BIG ONE is when the negro sodomite signed it during Christmass and the second big problem is you called him PRESIDENT!!
He is NOT president and you must STOP pushing the brainwashing around. The negro is technically a USURPER impersonating a US president.
And the sodomite and 535 Congogressmen must be arrested for breaking law and committing treason. This is why you have so many anti-American laws being created.
Charlie (Donut Trump ANGRY)
I’m sorry, I will try my best to not be insulting or condescending, but, are you serious, there is no anonymity on the internet, and, you are not, NOT, invisible on the internet. See? I was going to use the word stupid, instead of serious, but I am trying to be civil. You, undoubtly use a service provider to access the net. Your identity is known to them, and, what you do, and have done, is and was tracked, and recorded and/or documented and is stored, somewhere. The app, you use, requires a password, there is another procedure that can break your anonymity, maybe not to thothosese you chat with, but, the packets that get sent through the various routers and servers that deliver your internet transmissions do contain data that identifies your PC, your network interface MACid, and, of course, you. Along the lines, these too get recorded There are many various double, triple, quadruple, etc, redundant programs, apps, scripts, code, etc, that can and does ID, you, either through your ISP, or through web portals like Google, Yahoo, social network sites, like Facebook, which tracks and records your every keystroke, engages in censorship, propaganda, etcetera, cares not about, and has no respect for your constitutional rights. Even you don’t have to sign up or log in to chat, there are ways for the feds to easily identify you. As I said, there is no anonymity on the internet…
Don’t worry, because their names are being written OUT of the book of life as we speak.