(Before It's News)
As I mentioned on my previous article titled Paris attack not a consequence of “offensive” Free Speech, social fracturing at the national and international levels are at the top of all popularity charts. Populations are easily swindled into misplacing hatred against people and cultures they do not understand, and this hatred is fueled by psychological warfare from government agencies whose agenda is to hype of fear and instability as weapons of mass distraction and the the media that, consciously or not, echoes the propaganda far and wide. While it is not clear as of right now whether the Paris attack is real or not, what is very real is the recurrent finger pointing towards Islam and the Muslim community anytime there is a new “terror attack”. If you are asking yourself why doubt that the attack was real, I submit that it is impossible to be shot point blank with an AK-47 without having a single drop of blood spattered on the sidewalk or even worse, without the victim’s head not blowing up like a ripe watermelon. If you are still in shock about the Paris attack and have not understood how is it that the media manipulates your mind, see for yourself here. A police officer is allegedly shot by one of the so-called terrorists on broad daylight, however, there is not blood or grey matter on the sidewalk as a consequence of the shot. Do you remember JFK’s shooting? He supposedly gets shot twice or three times and one of the shots – launched from quite a long distance – blows of the top right of his skull. How can it be that an AK-47 shot at point blank results in nothing? In the case of the latest shooting in Paris, which everyone assumes was a response to a disrespectful cartoon against the prophet Mohammad, the victims of radical Islam and those who live in Paris, including the resident Muslim population are now hostages of the shadow of suspicion. As of this moment, at least seven people have been arrested in connection with the shooting and reports say that police have traced the shooters outside French borders. Although the capture of the supposed terrorists may bring temporary peace, experts warn of the growing Islamophobia in the European continent, with attacks on mosques and employment discrimination of Muslim women as the main manifestations. Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Germany in recent weeks attempted to alert about the alleged Islamisation in the country. The organization bears the eloquent name of European Patriots against the Islamisation of the West. With different faces, the phenomenon manifests itself in other countries as well. The National Front captures the most votes in France with a counter discourse to cultural diversity. The attacks on mosques have multiplied in Sweden. To this one has to add the brutal murder of a soldier shot in the London 2013 attacks, and the trend does not subside. “Although it is still unknown what happened, we are concerned that the level of Islamophobia in Europe will increase after the attack in France,” says Michaël Privot, director of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR). His warning also concerns the use of social networks as disseminators of these messages. Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, whenever a supposed Jihadist terrorist act occurs, anti-Muslim content proliferates on the Internet. There are no comparable data across the European Union regarding the number of grievances to this group -from denying a job for wearing a veil to the burning of a place of worship. The Agency for Fundamental Rights of the EU has begun to collect data to provide a complete picture next year. The report will include interviews with 25,000 people to ask about their experiences. Currently, a spokesman explains that Austria, France, Holland, Portugal and Sweden have experienced an increase in anti-Muslim incidents in the past year. Regarding the feedback that occurs between the stigmatization of Muslims and the greater propensity of this group to commit violent acts, the European agency still validates a study from 2010 according to which young people who have been victims of discrimination “are the most at risk of adopting violent attitudes.” In this work, one in four young people surveyed in France, Spain and the UK claimed to have received an unfair or discriminatory treatment. Beyond the fact that provoke the attacks, Islamophobia is rooted in more complex phenomena. There are intentionally erroneous debates about identity, about what it means, for example to be German or French or Muslim. This false debates seek to keep social groups distracted and dislocated, as supposed to being cohesive. Also, in difficult economic times people tend to give simple answers to complex problems. Within the Islamic community, women suffer the most discrimination. The Collective Against Islamophobia in France ensures that between 70% and 80% of the complaints it receives from citizens, are largely generated by the rejection of wearing a veil. The Fundamental Rights Agency is conducting a study that will focus on the obstacles these women face in entering European societies. Like other experts, the representative of the British NGO encourages people to remain with “eyes wide open” for possible reprisals against the Muslim community following the episode of Paris. “Governments have been very weak in this. They only began to recognize the problem in 2013. No effort is being carried out to prevent discrimination” says Privot, the […] Read the rest below at the source link