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What would it be like if we really lived in a democracy? These days just about everybody seems to be enjoying the benefits democratic government, that is if you believe government propaganda and you are one of the credulous many who are eager for a sense of well being at any price. But what is usually called democracy is in fact an oligarchy of elected representatives responsible to the business interests who bankrolled their campaign. If people were actually given the opportunity to choose democracy, they might do so, provided they understood what the word actually means. Our one uncontested example is ancient Athens. Continue reading → Bev Conover
Editor & Publisher
Intrepid Report!/Intrepid_Report
Absolute democracy in any form including “direct” democracy would no doubt be as bad if not worse than any other version of democracy.
There is a reason that the founding fathers worked so diligently to try and prevent this country from becoming a democracy: democracy does not, and can not work.
This country was founded as a republic. With a democracy, all that you ever get is two wolves and one sheep voting on what they will have for dinner.