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Chocolate Anus Candy: The Epitome of Salaciousness

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 15:14
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(Before It's News)

anus candyI debated several days before deciding to go ahead and do this post.  I would not normally put something on my blog that I consider to be filth, but this is too good an example of the type of filth that has permeated our society for me to pass up. 

Instead of describing what this is about I will let you read it straight from that stalwart of decency and purity, Cosmopolitan Magazine. 

Cosmopolitan – What do you get for the man who has everything? How about a chocolate version of your butthole! Now, of course Edible Anus chocolates aren’t modeled after your specific anus (if you want something like that, you could always get your anus bronzed), but they may as well be, because who could tell the difference?

Sure, you could just get him a regular box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day, but would that remind him of how he should probably make a point to eat your ass some time tonight? Probably not. So this year, give the gift of “Yep. This is seriously a butthole that tastes like candy and when it melts looks like poop.” 

If you’re not already sickened enough, I left the links intact.

What I find interesting is a statement on the Edible Anus website.  Yes, I looked. 

Due to high demand we will not be receiving more stock until Thursday 13th Feb. These orders will not arrive in time for Valentines Day. You can still place orders which will be shipped on the 13th but Please consider this if you are buying for Valentines day!

In a country that made Fifty Shades of Perversity (I know, Grey) a bestseller and likely an upcoming box office hit, it should not be surprising to see items for sale such as this that are apparently selling well. 

I hate to imagine what they will be selling next year.


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