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Obama Rumors of Cocaine Flying Around Again!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 7:06
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November 14, 2013

The Examiner reports: Mia Marie Pope, the woman who came forward last week with some shocking claims about Barack Obama’s past, specifically during his teenage years in Hawaii, has given another interview. Pope spoke yesterday with Jeff Rense, again giving details about the time she spent with Barack Obama during the late ’70s.

Pope began the interview by clearing the air about claims that were attributed to her during last week’s interview with Dr. James David Manning of Atlah Ministries. Several articles and blogs have been published alleging that Pope claimed during her interview with Dr. Manning to have attended the Punahou School, a very exclusive school in Honolulu, at the same time as Obama and was his classmate. In fact Pope did not make that claim during the interview with Dr. Manning. Pope told Dr. Manning during the interview that she was a few years younger than Obama and only had contact with him when her family visited the island during the summertime. Pope set that straight with Rense before going into the details about her experiences with the young man she knew as “Barry.” .

It seems apparent that some who doubt Pope’s claims have tried to muddy the waters by crediting her with false claims that can’t be substantiated in order to discredit her entirely. If people can be lead to believe Pope falsely claimed she attended high school with Obama, then everything else she says afterward could be easily discounted. Some have even put forth the notion that Pope never knew Obama at all.

There have, however, been legitimate questions raised as to how a young “Barry” Obama would have been accepted into such an exclusive school as Punahou. As Pope points out during the interview with Rense, Obama was accepted into Punahou when he was about ten years old. She says that is a rare occurrence, if it happens at all. Pope claims Punahou is known to only accept students who attend beginning with Kindergarten, and will not traditionally accept students who are already well beyond that stage of their education.

The Myrtle Beach Independent Examiner has attempted to confirm this, and spoke with a person claiming to be a former employee of the school, who asked to remain anonymous due to the nature of this article. The employee said students do enter at different grades, but that is is not at all easy to be accepted into the school. The person also said they could not answer any questions related to Obama’s attendance at Punahou.

There is also a very long waiting list of families hoping to have their children accepted into Punahou, as Pope stated during her conversation with Rense, so for Obama to “have just waltzed in,” as Pope puts it, seems unlikely if not impossible, unless someone very influential pulled some strings to make that happen.

Then there is the cost of tuition, which would have been several hundred dollars a month when Obama attended the school. Obama lived with his maternal grandparents during his time in Hawaii, and while they were not dirt poor, based on what is known about them it certainly doesn’t appear that they had the financial means to afford to pay that kind of money to send Obama to such an exclusive school, unless they had outside financial assistance. In any case, Pope does not claim to know how Obama was able to be accepted into Punahou, but does question how it was possible. She certainly isn’t the only person to raise that question.

As far as her personal experiences with Obama Pope says, “I didn’t see Barry every single day, but I certainly saw a lot of him.”

Further, Pope doesn’t claim to have been a very close friend of Obama. “He floated around amongst us,” she told Rense. “He was more, I’d say, on the periphery. Barry had this type of personality where he might have some acquaintance for a while, but he seemed to either make that person mad at him, or drive them off. Just like today you see that usury type of personality. He was either bumming money, bumming cigarettes, or just trying to get something off of you. He was a taker.”

Rense questioned Pope about earlier claims she made about Obama’s sexuality, how her peer group knew about his alleged bisexuality and homosexual relationships, and how they felt about it.

“We’re looking at ’77, ’78, ’79,” Pope told Rense, “this was before AIDS. Gay was a raging concept. It was somewhat avant-garde perhaps to be gay. It was kind of cool. I refer to the Studio 54-type crowd. It was cool. Remember, AIDS is what put the wet blanket on the gay community, and that hadn’t happened yet.”

Pope also spoke about Obama’s alleged cocaine use with Rense. She has previously claimed that Obama not only snorted cocaine, but the he also engaged in ‘freebasing.’ Rense directly challenged Pope as to whether she had ever actually witnessed Obama using the drug.

“I’ll tell you what I did see,” she told Rense, “Barry’s lips used to get really dark, like three, four, five times darker than the rest of his face. Now there’s a physiological reason for that. The cocaine residue restricts the blood flow to the tissues, so when a person of color does that the lips get kind of purplish.”

Pope went on to say that “he really was pretty open about [his cocaine use], because remember it was like a status symbol. It meant that you had money, that you had cash. But we knew because of his bragging that he was actually getting with these other gay guys, homosexual men, and that’s how he was obtaining the cocaine. Remember, he’s broke like we are, he’s bumming change to get cigarettes.”

Pope also claims she personally saw Obama getting out of cars with older men.

While it is important to point out that Pope’s claims have not been confirmed, it is equally important to note that we have never had an American president who we knew so little about. His past is for the most part a mystery. This has lead to legitimate questions about just who Barack Obama is, where he came from, and how he went from becoming a relatively unknown person to being elected President of the United States in just a few short years.

Each individual can decide for themselves whether or not they find Pope to be credible. She certainly does not seem to have a financial motive, or any desire to gain fame from her claims, at least up to this point.

The author of this article is not related to Mia Marie Pope or connected to her in any way.

**Edited Dec. 4, 2013 2:52 p.m.**





The following list is a chronological order of articles that have come out about the Obama’s deeply personal life, and they have let a LOT slip out on accident. It all began with the a report in the Inquirer that Michelle was looking for a divorce.

Given the source I almost skipped over it, but by some chance I read it. It turns out I had just heard a radio interview with one of the victims mothers the previous week or so… which made me sit STRAIGHT UP!

Once I’d read the initial article, compared it to what I remembered from the interview of a very upset mother I listened to, and THEN began too go back and look at posts like: DEATHS CONNECTED TO THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE – TOO MANY TO COUNT, all of sudden, an awful LOT of consistencies began to show up across the stories. I said a year or two ago they are separated within a week of his term ending… but we’ll see. 




[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]


Matt Drudge commented on the president’s appearance last night and frankly, it’s as bad as Mr. Drudge indicated. A very sweaty, glassy-eyed Barack Obama wheezes (42-sec. mark) through a prepared message about violence against women, his voice cracking and hoarse. You would have thought the president’s handlers wouldn’t have allowed him to send out a public message looking like this.

If you haven’t seen this you have to check it out. This is not a man who appears to be well…

I would also note that just the other day Barack Obama declared those that wanted to call out Islamic terrorists for the atrocities they are committing around the world as people who should not “get on their high horse.”

So it is ok to call out violence against women in America, but not ok to call out violence/death/murder/mutilation against women, children and other innocents being slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world?





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Total 17 comments
  • She certainly has the “free-basing” time line correct. That’s when free basing cocaine was getting really popular and before the Richard Pryor incident.
    Free-base is what we call “Crack” now. And that make sense. We have a crackhead in the WH. It’s probably the reason for the close relationships with all the Wall Street Bankster Crackheads

  • There is a reason this guy is up-front as presidient. those making the decisions at the back behind the curtain in the shadows, they are the culprits and the whole government has been hijacked by the corporate world.

  • Here’s a funny fact on the Obama Coke story in Hawaii everyone should see.

    There have been so many news stories, with pictures, of where the Obama’s go for their holiday in Hawaii that it was very easy to pinpoint on the map where they spend their time. Here are the easy directions and an interesting fact you will find amusing.

    1. Open your favorite map application on the Web.
    2. Find Honolulu, Hawaii
    3. Go Northwest just a bit till you locate “MCBH”.
    4. Zoom in to this part of the map and look for a nose sticking out in the ocean.
    Hint: It is right next to highway (630) on the map.
    5. Zoom in with the “MAP’ feature and look at the property with the three buildings – this is the location.
    6. Finally, click the satellite view and see the surprise…a white line going up the nose.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    You can’t make this stuff up…

  • Judge your own self first on the stupid crap you did as a teenager, hell most of us aren’t even anywhere near mature until we’re in our mid 20′s. I do not like Obama and am not trying to stick up for him, but doing some drugs or doing stupid crap as a kid (unless you killed or raped people) really shouldn’t have any impact on what you do as a middle aged man. Is it really a surprise when people like presidents, who went to ivy league colleges with rich kids experimented with some drugs way back in the day? Did any of you base your choices early in life on “well what if I become president in 30 years”? Grow up and stop grasping for straws, you’ll all forget about Obama when the next president comes in and it’s revealed he is the antichrist and a Illuminati reptilian drug addict pedo transexual like Obama and Bush before him. Remember how everyone cried about Bush being a war criminal and antichrist and every other thing under the sun? yeah I don’t hear much about that anymore.

  • Obama’s the Antichrist.

    Those who reveal that will go to heaven.

    Hurry and don’t stop or you’ll not go to heaven.

  • SHOCKER!!!! Al Sharpton delivered drugs to White House 85 times, the perfect Mule who can enter without a pat down or inspection of material he bring in to it? Think I’m wrong, let’s test my theory. Sharpton owes the Government $4 million dollars but has not be charged or payment been demanded. Sharpton is the only person in America that get’s away with it? Sharpton a pervious drug user he says is someone Obama can rely on to not snitch him out. Sharpton in exchange has been allowed to bilk companies out of hundreds of millions of dollars in extortion payments playing the race card and no one charges him? I think Obama get’s all his drugs from Sharpton, Pot, Crack, Cocaine and Heroin?

    • He’s the POTUS. Do you really think he needs Al Sharpton to smuggle drugs for him? That’s what the CIA is for.

  • He looks plenty high, but it doesn’t look like he’s tweaking and twitching like a crackhead. He’s probably still indulging his alter ego, Barrack Oganja.
    Honestly, I don’t blame him for smoking a little weed. He has a stressful job, he’s the target of god knows how many ludicrous theories (especially on this site), and snorting Xanax is so last year….
    Dude needs to relax. Let him smoke his pot….

  • This negro must be removed from office if he is doing drugs. The negro is UNFIT for office so why is this sodomite still there?

    War is looming, society is breaking down, the rich and poor gap is becoming larger, homelessness is increasing, economic numbers are being fudged, Moslems are being appointed everywhere in his cabinets including security and our intelligence, the army is ready to mutiny, defense cuts are being called “stupid” by an admiral and the negro is still there doing his cocaine while Rome burns.

    Now I gotta ask, who put the damn negro there?

    • You don’t give a fiddler’s fart if Obama’s doing drugs. All you care about is removing a black man from office. How bout you come up with some sources to back up your claims? Prove the religious affiliation of these cabinet ministers. Prove that economic numbers are being fudged. Prove that the army is ready to mutiny.
      All you have is that he’s black.
      Change the damn record.

      • And all you care about his humiliating the imposter negro and have loads of fun watching him implode himself and this country all because you want to keep a usurper negro in office.

        That’s not very nice to do that to what you know is an unqualified and illegal negro.

      • theonetruesatan, that’s racist.

        Bringing up the race card is improper.

        Obama should be judged on other criteria and you’re a fraud by bringing up the race issue at all and it should be forbidden to talk about race because of prejudice about it.

      • I don’t care who the president is. I’m not even American. How am I humiliating him?

        Mind your business. Adults are talking.

      • And big surprise here….. Slimy still neglects that most annoying of burdens: Proof.

      • You Hard-core Leftists are criminals.

        The Democratic Party created the KKK.

        The reason of your fall is you’re criminals and children in your heads.

      • theonetruesatan, I don’t think your contributions are required in the comments.

        Anywhere on BeforeItsnews for that matter.

        You’re like garbage, the less one sees it the better: your posts are all the most ugly and stupid.

        Why are Obots running around Internet trying to block me from revealing I’m Jesus and the Messiah?

        It’s suspicious.

        If it weren’t true they wouldn’t have to try so hard.

  • What you means is you have decided just to

    make lies out of fresh air..

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