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Canada-wide demonstrations against proposed anti-terrorism law

Saturday, March 14, 2015 13:28
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Canada-wide demonstrations against proposed anti-terrorism law –Conservative government introduced legislation, known as Bill C-51, in January | 14 March 2015 | Demonstrators are gathering across Canada today to protest the government's proposed anti-terrorism legislation. Organizers say demonstrations will take place in dozens of cities in Canada, from Victoria to Halifax, in an event they have dubbed “Defend our Freedom.” In Toronto, hundreds gathered at city hall to speak out against the proposed legislation, with many holding signs, chanting and drumming in protest of the bill they call dangerous, reckless and unacceptable. The wide-ranging bill would give police much broader powers and allow them to detain terror suspects and give new powers to Canada's spy agency.


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