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By Rob Levey
The NH House recently voted against HB 677, a 2015 bill that would ban any state funding for health clinics that offer abortions. Organizations like Planned Parenthood are currently forbidden from using state money for abortions, although they may receive state funds for other purposes, such as family planning and cancer screenings. Planned Parenthood supporters note abortions make up 7% or less of its services, while opponents argue that state funds nonetheless “enable” abortions.
In asking Facebook members the question, “Do you agree with the NH House vote to continue funding Planned Parenthood?” the Live Free or Die Alliance (LFDA) received a decidedly mixed response with 42% of respondents expressing disagreement and 48% voicing their approval. A further 22% of all respondents did not provide a direct “yes” or “no” response to the question, however, and instead elected to discuss the subject on broader terms. In sum, the LFDA received specific comments from 186 individuals supported by 400 concurrences for a total of 595 citizen responses.
Many of those who expressed disagreement with the vote expressed grave concerns that abortions are available at all at Planned Parenthood clinics. Added one respondent, “[It’s] nothing more than a front and storyline for government subsidized abortion.” Others questioned the exact nature of Planned Parenthood itself. One woman noted, “They are now a political organization and should not be funded by the tax payer. Let them get their political funds elsewhere.”
According to many in favor of the NH vote, such arguments oversimplify Planned Parenthood’s role. “Planned Parenthood performs many vital public health services—not just to women, but also indirectly to their families,” said one gentleman. Others agreed, including one respondent who added, “Focusing on one small aspect for funding the majority of needed services is foolish.”
For those who did not provide a clear response to the question, however, the debate spoke to larger societal concerns such as the merits of—and costs associated with—ObamaCare. “I don't get any medical coverage at all until the $5000 deductible is paid per year on top of my $350/month premium,” noted one woman. “Who is getting free health care?”
The nonprofit, nonpartisan LFDA takes no position on this or any issue, as this report is presented as a summary of citizen testimony. As New Hampshire’s Virtual Town Hall, the LFDA community, numbering more than 58,000, provides objective information on state issues, promotes the civil exchange of opinions, and communicates views to elected officials. To learn more about this issue or the LFDA, visit
Rob Levey is an Editor with the Live Free or Die Alliance.
Live Free or Die Alliance