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Remove Andrew Jackson From $20 Bill, Replace Him With A Woman (Picture, Video)

Saturday, March 28, 2015 12:13
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If it were up to Chattanooga’s historian, Susan B. Anthony or Elizabeth Cady Stanton would replace Tennessee’s own Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

“The first woman we put on [our currency] has to be someone who fought for women’s equality, but was never there to watch it take fruit,” said Linda Mines, historian for both the city and Hamilton County. “I would be willing to give Andrew Jackson up in order to get a woman of substance on our money.”

Mines, who is also the department chair of history and social sciences at Girls Preparatory School, said a national online campaign has sparked conversation among her students regarding the role of women in American history. The nonprofit campaign called Women On 20s is fighting to replace Jackson’s face on the $20 bill with a woman’s by 2020 — the 100-year anniversary of women’s suffrage.MOREHERE

A nonprofit is campaigning for Andrew Jackson to lose his spot on the $20 bill and be replaced with a less controversial female historical figure.

U.S. money highlights the achievements of former presidents and founding fathers, which leaves no room for honoring women, aside from Susan B. Anthony on the rare dollar coin and Sacagawea on the gold dollar coin.
So Barbara Ortiz Howard founded the nonprofitWomen On $20s, with the goal of putting a woman on the $20 bill by 2020, the centennial anniversary of women’s suffrage.
With help from historians, writers, and even the woman behind National Women’s History Month, Ortiz Howard and executive director Susan Ades Stone came up with a ballot of 15 deserving women in history.

“Our hope is that through this process we expose as many people as possible of all ages and of all political and socioeconomic persuasions to really look at women’s contributions in history,” Ades Stone told BuzzFeed News.

Anyone can now vote for women to replace former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. MOREHERE

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Total 3 comments
  • no one cares and it is not up to them.

  • It’d be fine with me as long as the replace his picture with Sara Palin’s.

  • Old Hickory would most likely WANT that since he opposed federal central banks and the women are so eager to feather their own nests at the expense of all else, let them do it.

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