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Tokyo park closed after unusually high radiation level is detected; buried substance suspected

Thursday, April 23, 2015 22:36
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Tokyo park closed after unusually high radiation level is detected; buried substance suspected | 24 April 2015 | An unusually high level of radiation has been detected at a park in Toshima Ward, Tokyo, the ward office said Thursday, prompting speculation that some kind of material has been buried there. The ward office has banned the public from entering the municipal park, located near Tobu Railway Co.'s Shimoitabashi Station in the Ikebukuro-honcho district and surrounded by residences. On Thursday afternoon, up to 480 microsieverts per hour were recorded at one spot on the surface of the ground near playground equipment, the municipality said.


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  • After Fukishima there were reports that the Japanese government put soil from the contaminated area all over the country.

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