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GOP Pre-Election 2012 Benghazi Plot With Petraeus? Hillary’s Email, Part II

Friday, May 1, 2015 23:26
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(Before It's News)

Introduction: Hillary Clinton’s secret personal email system continued last week to prompt heavy news coverage but with scant scrutiny of the most sinister implications for the public. This is the second part of a three-part series examining Hillary Clintonissues that are almost entirely overlooked, except occasionally in the alternative media. The focus of today’s column is in red:

  • Arms Smuggling: The Obama-Clinton-Petraeus ‘Iran-Contra’ Scandal: Part I in the series here
  • GOP Pre-Election 2012 Benghazi Plot With Petraeus? Hillary’s Email, Part II
  • Conflict of Interest In Clinton Foundation Funding? Clinton Emails: Part III here

Before examining those findings, first let’s summarize recent general developments that have been covered. As the New York Times reported here, Clinton devised a private email system to communicate with government and personal contacts. This apparently violated federal policy requiring officials to use government systems for work-related emails.

We next review one of the areas being overlooked by the mainstream media’s treatment of the situation:

Disloyalty By Gen. David Petraeus?

Mitt RomneyThe Obama administration forced the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus Nov. 9 just after the Nov. 6, 2012 election with a cover story. A sex scandal involving Petraeus was touted to obscure the administration’s discovery of of CIA involvement in an effort to embarrass the administration severely over the Benghazi tragedy in a way that could have paved the way for the victory of Obama’s GOP rival Mitt Romney, shown in a file photo.

As head of the CIA, Petraeus was responsible for actions of subordinates. Also, he had taken enough suspiciously self-promoting and arguably disloyal actions himself through the years as to raise the possibility of his direct involvement in the plot. One such action was his entertaining while an overseas field commander an invitation from a Fox News journalist on behalf of GOP leaders to run against Obama in 2012. Petraeus declined the invitation according to a 2012 report by Bob Woodward in the Washington Post but the circumstances inevitably raised questions about his motivations and those of his staff regarding the Benghazi deaths in September 2012 of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

It is, of course, difficult to document such charges in a blog post. Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen wrote a 127-page book on the topic published in late 2012, L’Affaire Petraeus: The Benghazi Stand-down and the Plot to “Carterize’ Obama. My book the following year Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters devotes a full chapter to the matter, “A Petraeus Betrayal?”

Today’s column is for a more current purpose. We show how the intrigues involved with Hillary Clinton’s suppressed and supposedly private emails could if released hold embarrassing consequences for many players in the nation’s capital, not just for her and other Democrats.


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