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While the rest of the world is trying to blow itself up Patch Adams (Dr Hunter Adams) is in Armenia teaching folks how to love one another.
That’s right – his trips focus on teaching hospitals how to treat “Patients” as part of their family rather than a number on a computer.
Patch has – thanks to your recent donations – been able to build 2 FREE hospitals – one in West Virginia and one in Philly.
Two of Patch’s dreams have come true – we provided him with the cure for cancer, YOU provided him with funds for his free hospitals for things like bandages, bandaids, Iodine, etc.
His third dream may come true after the return of Christ – Peace On Earth.
So as he celebrates his 70th he is surrounded with hundreds of old and new friends.
Happy birthday Patch.
When everyone else rejected me when I was homeless trying to figure out why the FBI stole all my money and came against me for stopping a Nuclear War Patch Adams stood by me. I realized I was as crazy as him and we struck up a friendship that has lasted almost a decade.
For over 4 decades he has the same message: Love, not hate.
Always a kind word to me and he wrote a book as well.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
His Happy Birthday Video will make you laugh.
Gesundheit! Institute Happy Birthday to Patch! – Gesundheit! Institute