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Hillary Clinton has so compromised herself that she is unfit to hold the office of President Of the United States of America. The media, as a whole, has missed the security threat that Hillary Clinton has set herself up for with her personal email accounts in violation of federal law. The very reason these laws, forbidding personal servers for government related emails, was to prevent the threats to the U.S. security. Not only from improprieties of the government worker, i.e. illegal money, quid pro quo transactions, but to protect the publics right to know and hold their representatives accountable for the work they do on their behalf. Hillary works for us, not her own personal interest or power, and is accountable to us. She is not a law unto herself. If so, then there is no rule of law, anarchy ensues, and democracy fails.
With all the unanswered questions on Benghazi, the deletion of emails on her private servers, in violation of Federal Law, leaves Hillary compromised, and a dangerous threat to U.S. security if she was to become president. The real threat that the media as a whole has missed, is the fact that Hillary may have deleted all her emails related to any improprieties, or damaging to her personally, or her party, but has failed to understand the real threat is of her being compromised by those that she had any unlawful, or damaging relations with. Any email that she sent, is still in possession of those individuals that she sent those communications to, and had dealings with.
Any foreign entity that may be a friend now, and was donating money to Hillary under the table quid pro quo, can now use that email against her in black mailing her. What may be your friend today, can be your enemy later, only waiting for the right moment to play the chess piece. Any corporation that needs a favor, that is not in the best interest of the public, can now black mail her with any unsavory email in their possession. This is an unacceptable risk to democrats, republicans and the individuals voting in this next election. All will have to understand and deal with the potential ramifications of a compromised individual in the highest office of the land.
When you have an individual, as Hillary Clinton, who is so callous as to exclaim, “Four men are dead. What does it matter now?” In relations to her responsibilities as Secretary of State, at a congressional hearing trying to get to the facts, then deleting evidence of possible wrong doing to cover up what those facts are, while at the same time omitting donations to the Clinton Foundation from unlawful foreign donations, you as an individual have been compromised to the point of being unfit to hold the office of President of The United States of America. Hillary would be a national security liability from any person that in the future decides they have a score to settle, a favor to call in, or wants to cause a international problem, and has damaging emails in their possession from her, to them. Every single email is out there, that Hillary sent to any individual…. can she control those? When it is the right moment, those same emails can and will be used. Can we as a nation take the risk of having Hillary Clinton President of the United States?
I can hear it now….. “Madam President… New York city has just been Nuked,,, what is your response?” Hillary… “40 million people are dead! What does it matter now?”
Hillary is a liar. Not many people know that 27 year old Hillary Rodham was a member of the Senate Select Committee investigating Nixon’s Watergate scandal. She was FIRED from the committee for lying and other unethical acts. Nothing’s changed.