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I Herd ‘Em….Jim’s Rant For The Day

Friday, May 15, 2015 17:46
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I Herd ‘Em

5/15/15 Jim’s Rant For The Day. I Herd ‘Em.

“I see what you’re saying but do you hear what I see?” Well, let me tell you what I see from the news reports this week.

Cashing Out of Cash: Suddenly, over the past two weeks this is all we are talking about, or so we are told. I realize that if I piss in my pants I would seriously be interested in diapers, but right now cash is not my problem, right?

Actually it’s not. So who’s problem is it then? Oddly enough it’s the bankers and our controllers problem. Do you remember the scene from Jimmy Stewart’s “It’s a Good Life” movie when there was a run on the banks? Well, that ain’t so anymore. It’s not us small people they are concerned with.

During the 2008 financial collapse a half of a Trillion dollars in cash was withdrawn from the major banks in just one hour, placing them in instant insolvency! That wasn’t you or I. That was a big player with half a Trillion dollars. Therefore, a single big player can bring down the banksters at will. That is what they fear.

This is what I think I see what the Banksters are saying. All of the Western banks are networked together and perhaps the rest of the world is not in with them all together. (Just go with me here.) If there was a cashless society, then a large cash withdrawal would only be a computer transfer from one bank’s books to another bank’s books. At the end of the month all banks have “settlements” as to who owes who and they computer reconcile or pay interest on those “loans”. This differs from cash withdrawal that is placed under the mattress or in a non-participating banking system. Therefore, the cashless society is not for us sheep so we can be monitored, it’s to protect the Banksters and their control game over us.

The TPPT Bill. Make no bones about it, Congress is going to pass this and sell the Americans out. This is yet another trade bill that solidifies the global corporations, crooked politicians, and other powerful vermon’s control over us. It takes away our trade rights along with our legal rights to contest those parties liabilities for damages to us. We will be more at their mercy.

All of the accounts of how the Congressmen are not allowed to read the 800 page act is most telling. They cannot read it unattended, cannot take pictures or make notes on what they see in it. They basically have a gun at their heads and are being coerced into buying a pig in a poke.

My Conclusion: When our Congressmen vote on our futures under the above circumstances they are telling us that our business is none of our business. When that occurs it is time to end their agency relationship with us, their principals.

When the Fascists control us totally and herd us like sheep, there is nothing left to do but what all of history tells us to do.

See: 1945 Mussolini Hanged 2 Minute Video



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