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On some peculiarities of Russian political discourse

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:08
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(Before It's News) Not much is said in Western media about some excesses of Russian new wave of ultra-patriotism. This wave seems to be drowning any sign of protest about the Russian piecemeal absorption of Ukrainian territory. It also reached some hitherto unseen heights of unbridled profanity, as it could be seen in the picture below.


The text on the rear window says:

Will buy the skin off Obama’s arse. Dearly [meaning the author is ready to pay a lot].

This “ad” appeared on a Hummer that was seen circling the streets of Pyatigorsk on May 9 (the Soviet/Russian Victory day) among many other cars carrying all kinds of patriotic and, in many cases, xenophobic slogans.

The ownership of the car [aside of the irony of the car being of American extraction, which fact escaped the attention of its owner] is of interest in this case. According to the article that quotes some Pyatigorsk citizens, there are only two Hummers in the city, and the one in question belongs to one Daniil Travnev, head of the Pyatigorsk branch of the Russian Gazprom, the largest natural gas extraction company in the world.

Oh well, as the linked article properly mentions:

The reality of Putin’s Russia are such that it has become a nature reserve for idiots.

Believe it or not, the presented “pearl” is on the mild side, compared to other, overtly racist curses directed at Obama particularly and at Americans in general.

And, since Putin’s name was mentioned – meanwhile near Sanct Peterburg:

Cossacks unveil a monument to Putin in the image of Emperor Nero

The poor schlubs certainly don’t know much about the emperor in question… but their intentions are good and their hearts are pure. More on the story.

So there.


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