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Sword Collecting

Thursday, May 7, 2015 5:34
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Aaron Spuler is a firearms enthusiast and recreational shooter. Follow more or his work at The Weapon Blog

Are you interested in collecting swords? Do you like the way they look when they are hanging on your wall? If you answered yes to these questions, you will need to find a good place to buy your swords. Of course, this is much easier said that done. All of the stores that specialize in swords are not created equal. This basically means that you will need to do some investigating in order to find out which sword store is the best for the items you are looking for. Here is how you can go about finding a place to buy a sword or other self defense weapons.

1. Ask your friends

One of the best sources for recommendations on just about anything is very easy for you to access. By simply asking your friends if they have ever bought swords from a dealer they can recommend to you, a lot of time can be saved. If any of your friends are also sword collectors, find out where they buy their swords from. Ask them if they are happy with the quality of swords and the prices they are paying. If they give you a positive recommendation, make a note of the store name so you can check it out later.

2. Check online

If you strike out when it comes to your friends giving you recommendations, you can always go online to see if you can find any reputable sword stores. The Internet opens you up to many sword stores that are only online. If you do not mind buying your swords through the mail, this can be a great way to find very obscure items that are simply not available in your local area. However, before you purchase anything from an online swords store, make sure you are able to return any purchase you make if you are not satisfied with it.

3. Online reviews

Aside from doing your own searches online, you can also check out some of the many online review sites that exist to allow people the ability to review various businesses that they have done business with. You can check to see if any of the users have written any reviews of swords stores. If you find some of these reviews, read them to see if they give you any insight into a store that you might want to consider using in the future.


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