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It has been yet another banner day in The War Against The South:
1.) In Clayton, AL, which is 35 miles from Union Springs, around 70 Confederate flags were distributed in a local cemetery on Confederate graves to honor Memorial Day. You will never guess what happened next.
2.) In Athens, AL, there’s a fresh controversy brewing over Confederate Battle Flags which were placed at memorials in front of the Limestone County Courthouse. The NAACP is trying to have them removed.
3.) In Selma, AL, Rose Sanders is back protesting the Nathan Bedford Forrest bust in Old Live Oak Cemetery.
4.) At the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, a building named after a Confederate colonel has been renamed by the Board of Trustees.
5. In St. Louis, MO, Mayor Slay is “moving forward” with plans to form a committee to consider removing a Confederate monument from Forest Park.