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By Dr. William B. Mount
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WA Governor Declares Drought Emergency In The Rain

Saturday, May 16, 2015 21:45
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(Before It's News)

Why would the Washington State Governor declare a State of Emergency over drought while it is sprinkling?


Is not the Columbia and Green Rivers full and are not they expected to be full all summer?


Is there not enough water that is we pump the rivers into the fields we have plenty of water for irrigation?


Are not the Columbia, Green and other rivers flowing high right now?


And where is all the money going since our Gas Tax increased by $1/Gallon last month?


It is not going to road repair, that is for darn sure.


Folks – we are so screwed.


It is their time to Rape and Plunder.


Pray that these Washington State Evil Leaders are completely immobilized for the rest of the our lives.


WA Governor Declares Drought Emergency During Rain Storm – YouTube


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Dr William B. Mount

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