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X22Report U.S. Economic Anomalies Point To A Complete Economic Meltdown – Episode 671

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 19:42
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U.S. Economic Anomalies Point To A Complete Economic Meltdown – Episode 671 – YouTube


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Report date: 5.19.2015

is trapped and the central bankers might be ready to Cyrpus (bail-in)
Greece. More than half the college graduates need financial help from
their families. Housing permits and starts miraculously increases with
lumber prices and demand decreasing. U.S. economic anomalies point to a
complete meltdown of the economy. Obama says he will de-militarize the
police, but he is actually doing the opposite. Every country the U.S.
operated a CIA black site in the governments of those countries had full
knowledge. As Ukraine defaults Poroshenko passes a bill so creditors
cannot collect.NATO continues with Russian troop buildup propaganda.
Saudi war planes pound Yemen, Kerry blames the Houthi’s for the Saudi
bombing. U.S. protecting their proxy army in Syria by removing
intelligence before Syrian armed forces acquired the intelligence.

All source links to the report can be found on the site. 


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