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Behold! The Majestic… Ah, Majesty Of The Rubio Boat!!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 15:09
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(Before It's News)


…Seriously, New York Times? Seriously? Does that paper even look at the material that American Bridge sends them, these days?

Oh, man. I cannot wait to hear how Politico Buzzfeed probably TMZ, at this point will explain this away for the New York Times.  Said explanation will be epic in its dignity… and by ‘epic’ I mean that I expect that TMZ will be told by the NYT that anybody who finds this story stupid is himself a stupid-stupid poopy-head who has blogger-cooties and smells like internet-cheese.  Because we’ve long since passed the point where dignity was involved in the NYT’s journalistic process.

(Via Hot Air)

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Background here, by the way. Short version: the New York Times has just realized that they are going to have to portray an elderly, largely unlikable, and rule-stretching crony capitalist as being an innovative fresh-faced savior of the Republic.  As you can see, their sanity did not survive this moment of terrible anagnorisis.

PPS: If you really want to see some… ah, ‘people unfamiliar with boats:’ note the people replying to that who think that this vessel of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 100%‘s wasn’t worth $80K. Clearly, they do not know that a boat is defined as “a hole in the water which you pour money into.”

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