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CNN Host Don Lemon Suggests Taking Down ‘Racist’ Jefferson Statues

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 8:50
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» CNN Host Suggests Taking Down ‘Racist’ Jefferson Statues Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Paul Joseph Watson

The debate over whether to remove Confederate flags from government buildings took a bizarre new twist yesterday when CNN host Ashleigh Banfield suggested that statues of Thomas Jefferson should also be taken down because he owned slaves.

During a segment with co-host Don Lemon, Banfield said, “Jefferson owned slaves….and there’s a monument to him in the capital of the United States, no one ever asks for that to come down – is it equal?”

Lemon said the comparison wasn’t equal, but went on to add, “There may come a day when we want to re-think Jefferson….when we get to that point, I’ll be happy to partake in that particular discussion.”

Since last week’s Charleston shooting, innumerable prominent voices on the left have called for the Confederate flag to be removed from government buildings and state license plates in the south, with major retailers like Walmart, Amazon, Sears, and eBay all de-listing products which feature the flag from their websites.

As the Daily Surge points out, the notion that Jefferson vehemently endorsed slavery is a complete fallacy.

“Thomas Jefferson–like a lot of people 270 years ago–owned slaves. He inherited them from his father. Jefferson gave away many of the estimated 170 slaves he owned after his death. While writing in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal,” Jefferson didn’t believe blacks and whites were equals.”

“But Thomas Jefferson didn’t want to divorce from the union in order to preserve slavery. In fact, Jefferson wrote constantly and argued regularly about whether or not the founders should include the abolition of slavery in the Bill of Rights.”

As Rush Limbaugh argues, the move to ban the Confederate flag from government buildings is less about racial sensitivity and more about Democrats exploiting the Charleston massacre for their own cynical political purposes.

“This effort to have the battle flag of northern Virginia removed is really an attempt to segregate and isolate the entire South and to sort of Alinsky it. You know, the Rules for Radicals, you seek the target, you isolate it, you attack it, humiliate it. This flag represents what the left believes is the last remaining Republican electoral stronghold in terms of presidential politics, and that would be the South. So this is an effort going far beyond the Confederate flag or the battle flag of the army of northern Virginia,” Limbaugh said during his radio show yesterday.

Black Lives Matter protesters already seem to be following Banfield’s suggestion, with several statues dedicated to Confederate leaders on the University of Texas at Austin being defaced last night.


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