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Hate Mail of the Day

Saturday, June 20, 2015 11:17
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(Before It's News)

This email actually did come through in Comic Sans font. I kid you not.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Crazy and evil


I read your latest ode to stupidity. You are wrong, it is possible to discuss mental illness and evil. The problem is you and your fellow R’s (or conservatives, whatever euphenism for greedy, selfish, immature, misogynistic beings you try to hide behind) refuse to move beyond dead Ronnie Reagan’s senile ramblings and actually fund the needed community resources to help the mentally ill.

You said:

“Our American society has a mental illness — overwhelming narcissism and delusion — and so cannot recognize what crazy or evil looks like.”

Actually, crazy and evil are pretty easy to see. They were on full display at Mother Emanuel and Sandy Hook, but you and yours are too selfish, greedy, ignorant and heartless to see it. As for Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner, what do you care? Do you know this person? Does the gender change make you into a woman, or a man?

Speaking of narcissism and delusion, try looking at the mess Kansas is in because the governor is too narcissistic and delusional to realize that without taxes, there is no money for government. Now he’s jacking up the sales tax so the middle and lower classes can pay for the tax cuts for the rich.

Speaking of delusional, how stupid are you not to already know this?

I haven’t heard much about you and seminary, did you finally realize Jesus wasn’t all about being a jackass to non-white poor people? In fact, Jesus was a non-white poor person.

I can see why you wouldn’t get involved in that.

Can’t wait until the next time you say some stupid shit. I know I won’t have to, because it will for sure be some time this week.

B. Bartle

The post Hate Mail of the Day appeared first on RedState.


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