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Lyndon LaRouche and LPAC Policy Committee June 8, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 15:27
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But the problem is, we still have the worst before us, because we still have Obama as President, which itself is a catastrophe for the entire human species, because Obama is the instrument by which the British army, the British war machine, can do the impossible: They can use Obama, now, as an instrument to cause a general thermonuclear war. And that’s where we’re at. So therefore, we have on the one hand, you have the score is added, you have the factors which have to be considered, but they have to be brought together, efficiently, because we have to prevent Obama, from continuing in the Presidency, because if he stays in the Presidency, is able to stay in the Presidency, the United States, and the world, the human species is in danger.

So we have to take all these various forces, not because they agree with each other, or sworn oaths or something, but because they know they don’t want to destroy their own human race. They don’t want to destroy the human race. And if Obama had his will, it would be the human race that would be destroyed! Not by him, but because of him.


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