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MUSIC REVIEW: Jason Derulo’s “Everything is 4″

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 17:24
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Review by Reginald Kaigler

Jason Derulo’s 2015 album “Everything is 4″ seem crafted for the pop charts. Many of the songs can be play in nightclubs as originals or as a remix of some kind. Many of the songs make my head rock, but there isn’t much substance. In a year that has given up albums such as Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp a Butterfly”, I expect more from hip hop (and pop).

At times, Jason Derulo’s music shines as bright as his “So You Think You Can Dance” persona. When he sings, he projects a charisma that pulls you into the music. The album is more pop than r&b and is perfect for a drive to work. His song with JLo is a wonderful, breezy pop track (“Try Me”) that’s worth replaying over and over.

Many of the songs are catchy and upbeat, but a few songs seem awkward and immature. For example, his duet with K Michelle in “Love Like That” feels silly and forced. Listening to him sing about sleeping with his best friend’s girlfriend feels insincere.

His duet with Julia Michael in “Trade Hearts” is a joy to hear. It’s a beautiful duet that belongs on the Top 40 Charts. It also makes me want to break out and dance one of those breath-taking Mia Michaels’ contemporary dance number, except I have no dancing abilities and I would probably look like a flopping whale.

By the way, Mia Michaels is a choreographer on the TV show “So You Think You Can Dance”.

Anyway, Derulo proves that he can still carry his own weight with “Cheyenne”. The song “Painkiller” is awful. The lyrics in the song are tasteless and pedestrian. The tracks “Pull Up” and “Get Ugly” almost demand that you get off your ass and dance. Overall, the album is a strong effort. “Everything is 4″ deserves a score of 7 out 10. If you enjoy “Want to want Me”, you’ll enjoy the album.


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