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X22Report NATO Now Positioning Troops Into Iraq Under The Guise Of A Training Mission – Episode 700

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 20:42
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▶ NATO Now Positioning Troops Into Iraq Under The Guise Of A Training Mission – Episode 700 – YouTube


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Report date: 6.24.2015

unemployment hits record high. IMF rejects Greece’s proposal, Greece
rejects IMF counter proposal. No Deal. Final GDP is negative and the 2nd
Quarter GDP looks like the trend will continue. China joins the bank of
London to set the gold prices. Jefferson stages of government shows us
that we are moving toward a government of sheer force. UN wants the UN
Arms Treaty ratified to remove all weapons from the American people.
Pentagon manual declares journalist enemy combatants. Senate pushes
through fast track. Armenia protests being fanned up by the US to
overthrow the government. NATO is now poised to return to Iraq under the
pretense of a training mission. The US Government is now in the process
of removing the history of freedom from the US.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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