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Alabama: Flag Company Swamped With Orders For Confederate Flags

Sunday, July 19, 2015 12:11
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(Before It's News)

On top of this wonderful news, polls have repeatedly demonstrated that folks still harbor majority support for the iconic symbol.

On top of this wonderful news, polls have repeatedly demonstrated that folks still harbor majority support for the iconic Southern symbol.

A flag-producing company in the Alabama city of Huntsville has announced in a soul-warming interview that demand for symbols of the Confederacy has reached an all-time high, proving that love and pride for the South still holds strong.

According to Belinda Kennedy, owner of Alabama Flag & Banner, orders from across the world have left her staff swamped, and increasing the wait time for new requests.

Despite monumental support from all quarters, Kennedy also claims that hatred from enemies has increased exponentially, with crude verbal attacks from Jews, Marxists, Liberals, and diversity-addicted Neo-Conservatives pouring in during the last few weeks.

Ms. Kennedy claims that demand has forced the temporary shelving of hand-sown flags in favor of a faster assembly line process.

Ms. Kennedy claims that demand has forced the temporary shelving of hand-sown flags in favor of a faster assembly line process.

When the controversy over the Confederate flag erupted last month, the owner of a Huntsville flag company said her business would make the flags even if no one else would.

And that’s apparently what’s happened.

“I’m not aware of another company in the United States making these flags,” said Belinda Kennedy, owner of Alabama Flag & Banner, in an interview Thursday with

“We are getting absolutely swamped,” Kennedy said. “It’s let up a little but what we’re finding is that people are still wanting the really pretty sewn, the ones that are more like a piece of art with the sewn stripes and the applique stars. Those are really labor intensive and it takes a long time. We’re still being flooded with orders for those. We’re getting tons of overseas orders. We’re going as fast as we can.”

“I’ve been called a racist,” Kennedy said. “I’ve been called a bigot. I’ve been called a non-Christian. I’ve been called a little bit of everything. I’ve had a few people threaten to boycott me. But that’s, by and large, a drop in a swimming pool to the outpouring of support I’ve received, which is amazing.”

“In the very beginning, we basically stopped production on the sewn flag, applique flag because it was so labor intensive,” Kennedy said. “All we were focusing on in the beginning was doing the print.”

At this moment, one should do all they can to obtain a Confederate battle flag, as there is currently little that angers the enemies of traditional blood and culture more than the banner of Southern defiance.

Take heart from the story of Belinda Kennedy, and stand proud against those who wish us to be broken and destroyed.

*Also published on Majority Rebellion

If the cultural terrorists of the Left decide to place the Confederacy in the same restricted corner as the Third Reich, laugh at their insults and ranting, for you are better and tougher than they can ever be.

If the cultural terrorists of the Left decide to place the Confederacy in the same restricted corner as the Third Reich, laugh at their insults and ranting, for you are better and tougher than they can ever be.


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