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Arkansas League Rallies Against Immigration In Springdale

Sunday, August 30, 2015 9:45
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(Before It's News)

By R.G. Miller

The Arkansas League of the South held a rally to protest third world immigration on 29 August 2015. The event was held in an area that has been inundated with foreign immigrants due to mega-corporations such as Tyson and Walmart choosing increased profit margins at the expense of the systematic replacement of white Southerners. The event was held on the main thoroughfare in town, so there was a massive amount of traffic that witnessed our protest.

The local response was as we expected. A large majority of white Southerners supported our message and seemed encouraged by people willing to speak out against their replacement. We received countless honks, waves, and thumbs up from these folks. However, the substantial immigrant population did not take so kindly to our message. From the loud blaring of “Mariachi” music to obscene comments and gestures, the local immigrant population made sure to let us know that our message was unwelcome to them.

In addition to opposition from local latino immigrants, quite a bit of the black population was hostile to our message as well. This was surprising, as immigrants from Mexico and other parts of Central and South America have all but replaced the manual labor jobs, especially in agriculture, that used to be performed by Southern blacks. Ten or twelve of such black “youths” attempted to cause a confrontation. However, we were able to diffuse the situation due to a good working relationship with the local law enforcement.

Overall, the demonstration was very successful. We were able to be interviewed by a state-wide news station, and thousands of passersby heard our message. It was definitely a reminder of the hostility towards our people that some of those who reside in our land hold. In addition to this, it is illustrative of the severity of the immigration problem – it is surreal to feel like you are in a foreign country in the land your fathers built. However, it was encouraging to see the massive proportion of support from the native Southerners for our anti-immigration message and even for our message of Secession.
Southern Nationalism is growing in Arkansas.

God Save the South!


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