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I’d already read that Windows 10 was massively invading people’s privacy, but I’m a loyal Mac user, so I never paid the articles any serious attention, however after listening to this show, this is downright TERRIFYING! Yesterday, I posted We Know Google Spies; What Secrets Do They Know About You? It didn’t get a lot of attention, however I have NO doubt if you listen to the show below, you’ll make sure you check out that post to protect yourself!
In the video blow, Dr. Katherine Albrecht, who holds a Doctorate in Consumer Education from Harvard University joins Pete Santilli to discuss the most egregious privacy violation of a generation. Katherine is a privacy expert and outspoken opponent of RFID [ the RFID LADY "], implantable microchips, search engine data collection, and retail customer surveillance. Katherine has authored pro-privacy legislation, testified before lawmakers around the globe, written for numerous publications including Scientific American, and granted over 2,000 media interviews. She was appointed by New Hampshire Governor John Lynch to serve as an expert member of that state’s two-year study commission. She is also a syndicated radio host, bestselling author, and helped to develop, the world’s most private search engine and private alternative to Google.
Windows 10 Is Full Blown Electronic Tyranny
Katherine starts out by saying she’d rather pay $500 for the new version of Windows 10, rather than be burdened with all the invasions of privacy bundled into the newest version of Windows. Just to name a few MAJOR privacy violations, Katherine reviewed the following:
Computer’s Microphone: Anytime your computer is on, Microsoft has the mic on and the mic is transmitting data to their offices about your every word. I’m willing to bet the computer doesn’t even need to be on. Why? We’ve known for years that a cell phone’s mic is still active and the NSA can listen in even when the phone is off. The only way to disable a cell phone’s mic is by removing the battery, hence you might have noticed cell phone batteries haven’t been removable in quite some time.
Keystroke Monitoring MALWARE: How many of you are familiar with Keystroke software? Traditionally, its been known as one of the worst forms of malware today. It does exactly what the name implies, and it logs your every keystroke… bank passwords, legal documents, you name it. With Windows 10, gone are the days you can encrypt a single file, because Microsoft has the key. Furthermore, even after you’ve created a personal document of any kind, regardless of whether you keep the document on your machine or not, Microsoft is automatically downloading and maintaining backups of every file you originate.
So, if you’re writing a doctor, or your lawyer, or a priest, and talking about God only knows what, Microsoft is keeping a copy whether you like it or not. Should you need the backup because something happened to your copy, too bad. The backups are not for the users, they are for FBI level surveillance in your home, by a private company that has no business in your home. In the user agreement, Microsoft even tells you they’ll hand over their copies of YOUR documents to authorities if they suspect you are in violation of the law, whether law enforcement comes to them with a warrant or not.
one word
no more windows no more spying no more paying for a operating system
Yes. I gave up Windows® for Linux (Ubuntu) six or seven years ago and have never regretted it for even a second. Ubuntu is a good starting point to transition from Windows® to Linux. There are many other excellent distributions of Linux out there as well.
How does one go about getting Ubuntu?
Download and follow directions to install on a DVD, or better a thumb drive. You then boot the DVD or thumb drive to install Ubuntu onto a hard drive.
In an initial transition from Windows® to Linux you will be wiping all data from a hard drive. If it is within your means you might want to get a new hard drive on which to install Ubuntu, thereby saving your old Windows® drive in case things don’t go right the first time.
Make sure you have saved backups on external storage of ALL important data. Also record important system settings like passwords (to routers, important accounts, email, etc.) that are usually provided by the OS or your browser. You will lose all that stuff and will have to restore it.
Ubuntu is the M$ under the Linux distro’s. They use everyone’s software and try to put their own licenses on it. That’s why the real Linux user calls it Ubuntu and not Linux. If you want real free software use Debian, Slackware, Gentoo, Arch or w/e. But keep away from the (x)buntu’s.
“… and try to put their own licenses on it.”
?? Where did you get that idea? Ubuntu is completely open source and free. It’s a derivative of Debian. Canonical, who is the primary contributor, makes its money from support contracts. Please supply a link to the source of your assertion.
IDK under which rock you live. But here’s an example:
Okay, they did give in some. But it’s still not how a Linux distro should operate.
Is santilli not fbi informant caught in a crime and turned.
Obama’s the Antichrist. You know it. What are you doing about it?
40000 At Trump Event. Biggest Event Yet? Crowd Wild For Trump. ‘This Movement Of Citizens Is Tired Of BS’ (Video) /obama-birthplace-controversy/2015/08/40000-at-trump-event-biggest-event-yet-crowd-wild-for-trump-this-movement-of-citizens-is-tired-of-bs-video-2492798.html
But you’re calling yourself the “Messiah”, and “God”. So, the anti-Christ should be nothing, for you to handle! Guess you’re not so much of anything, other than a bipolar mental patient! Or schitsophrinic!
Bravo you nailed it!
Yeah, this “Messiah” should have kicked the antichrist’s ass by now but all he has done is expressed his man love for the “Earth shattering” liars for the past 7 years.
The hackers will expose any flaws in widows ten of this nature in the dark web, where it will filter through from so not to worry.
That happened in the past. It’s all over the net how to stop W10 from spying on you.
RFID is down the road, but in the mean time, now, is truly the “thought spying”.
Think of a musician who composes a catchy tune on a guitar while being at home. This artist will realize of having been robbed upon hearing this catchy tune on the very machine which had spied the artistic creation at his own home. Or again, a writer may find some catchy lines of his own appearing on either a pulp of the “New York Time Best Seller’s List”, or on some article which is in the total opposite to what was initially written.
The stealing of intellectual property by unscrupulous people was done before, but now it is becoming unavoidable.
O yes, the thieves will continue claiming to be “smoart”, but now with this new intrusion (exposed on the Pete Santini Show by Dr. Albrecht) will lead to tyranny. The thieves will soon become mass murderers.
Did you know that MANDATORY chipping was in Obamacare … scheduled to start last October? It’s gonna happen, and Both D’s and R’s know about it and are doing nothing to prevent it.
The more I hear about Windows 10 the more DAMNING it gets. But Bill Gates has been getting weird lately. Like to become rich you have to make a pact with the DEVIL!
Something weird is going on. The Mark of the Beast coming through the computer?
I installed Windows 10 and it was so wretchedly unattractive to use that I shortly thereafter uninstalled it. What is up with all that black, and blue, and unattractive cartoonis fonts!! I wonder if its remnants are still in my computer to pick up stuff that’s going on in my life, which is not a heckuva lot.
Dr. Albrecht is an amazingly informed and caring person. But. I can’t stand that ittybitty cutsy little girl voice of hers. If it were for not the seriousness of the content in this video, I would not have bothered listening. Back in the olden days, if a woman wanted to step up to a serious position and were found speaking this way, the HR specialist or adviser would have given some tips to correct that annoying voice. As for Rick S, nothing irks me more than some male talk show host saying “WOW!” in a deep voice. They do that a lot in Hagman and Hagman and I’ve had to ditch them for that alone.
Honestly, what she is mentioning is pretty standard; companies attempting to hijack your machine via installation programs. And many of them have become quite stealthy. Has anyone considered simply paying attention to the installation options and simply not agreeing to leaving their machine vulnerable? In fact, we can through a list of options that extend far beyond what is presented here and talk about machine vulnerabilities. (For example, the Kaspersky product- and many others -will perform vulnerability tests.)
Fascism = capitalism + murder
i updated to Windows 10 . i turned almost everything off in Privacy settings . i like this new OS and am not going to drop it !
Maybe you think it’s off?
You think you turned it off. You sure you got it ALL? You believe it when a MS menu tells you it’s off? Good luck with that.
Even without Windows 10 , every call or message is recorded . Just they ve been fair to say that . What so much to hide ?! i avoid payments via internet . Maybe a debit card will do the job . What if they take a photo of me ! To make me fameous ? i should be grateful in such a case .
Overblown BS!
It is quite easy to turn-off all the privacy invading features including the telemetry if you are concerned but the irony is that most of these complainers have been using iphones & android devices that call home with privacy leaks to google and apple all the time & how about all those 3rd party apps you installed that you authorized to spy on you at the point of installation?
Windows 10 is the best windows to date by far, thumbs up from me even though I am a linux user since last decade but I am dumping Windows 7 on my gaming devices and moving to 10.
It is also quite easy for them to turn ON whatever features they want remotely.
It has also been said that Obama is the precursor to the antichrist. When the one world order takes effect,
And the U.S. is under rule of the UN, Marshall law will be called into action and the person that takes that one empty seat in the EU Parliament- seat 666- he will be the actual Antichrist. Obama has been allowing and assisting with getting all the laws and executive orders passed, so that all of this can take place. The U.S. And the EU. Have kept communications top secret for years now so that we do not know the extent of the
Agreements that are being arranged. The lotto being 666 when Obama took offfice does not make him the antichrist, but he has been under control of those evil ones arranging to rule the world in their own sick ways
And at the expense of mankind. Praise the Lord and power to all those whom belong to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
For those who can- dig a little deeper into that empty parliament seat waiting upon worldwide Marshall law to be I acted.
Also, if you had DO NOT TRACK on your pc it’s all of a sudden not there anymore! Firefox you can add other non tracking software extensions. I don’t think ALL is LOST! I see a lot of fear mongering everytime a new OS happens. Just need to workout the “kinks” as there are plenty of other options.
A government is kept in check via a fear that if it goes too far the population it governs will rise up and purge it for the greater good. We, as Americans, have become pussies collectively. It’s not the government’s fault this is happening, it is OUR fault that we have allowed it to go as far as it has. Our forefathers would piss their pants if they could see the government today in sheer dumbfoundment that we could allow it to go as it has, unchecked. Food for thought … now the question is at what point have we had enough … and at what point do we send an ultimatum…
I’m sure they like enjoying spying on my wife while she plays Candy Crush.
Windows 10 assumes that I have a connection to the internet.